
Who's that Knocking on My Door??

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AUNT FLOOOOOOOOOO!!! grrr....and she is 2 days early...i hate this!!!!!

Ok...I guess back to CD#1....I just wanted to keep u ladies updated....I hope next month is my husband and my month in ttc#2.

Good luck and baby dust to those still in their 2ww




  1. Aww so sorry! :(  Keep trying! You'll see that BFP soon enough!! Good Luck to you!! Baby Dust!! :o)

  2. Sorry to hear that witch is taunting you! Mine should be here any minute now. Oh no! I think I hear her pulling up in the drive now!!!!

  3. when ever the awful aunt flow comes, i just keep positive and say to myself "time for another round" I just get greatful that i have a period and know I'm ovulating at least, through basal body temperatures and charting.  Good luck to you next time girl. I know how u feel, stay positive and determined !

    ***baby dust***

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