
Who's the 1 person you can't say no to???

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Who's the 1 person you can't say no to???




  1. Husband. :D and Mommy

  2. ASHELY TISDALE (Drools)

  3. God.  Honest.  I can say no to anyone else when it's the right answer, but not to Him when He asks something of me.

  4. my brother! luckily he doesn't take advantage of it. it's just that i want him to succeed so badly i just do whatever he asks of me... :) it's weird

  5. My grandma

  6. My husband. I can't deny him anything. He's got these big dark puppy dog eyes that I can't resist.

    Plus, he whines if I don't give him what he wants. LOL.

  7. Granddaughter, my mini me.

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