
Who's the best defensively out of geovany soto, brian mccann, and russell martin?

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They are all known mostly for their hitting, but who do you think is the best defensively out of those 3?




  1. martin and mccann.  i would probably take martin though i think he's a little younger.

  2. Russel Martin due to his strong arm and ability to block the plate which he has advantages on both of the others catchers

  3. this is hard for me because the braves are in the N.L east so i see them play the phils a lot and i know Brian McCann is a great catcher but when i see Russell Martin he just amazes me.  So i am going to have to go with martin...but its a slim line.

  4. Russel Martin. He has too good of an arm,

  5. Geovany Soto.  This guy has handled the Cubs pitching staff like a 10 yar veteran.  He knows how to call a good game and studies each hitter very thoroughly to know thewir weaknesses for that days pitcher.  Not to mention he has a fairly solid percentage for throwing out base stealers.  I like all of them, but I would probbly choose Soto.

  6. Russell Martin.  He knows his pitchers well and they like to pitch to him.  He's got a cannon of an arm.  He also has the versatility to play third base on occasion.  All 3 are good but Martin is clearly the best defensively.

  7. Soto is the best.

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