
Who's the bigger fraud, Kimbo or Chavez's son?

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I see that both guys get a lot of attention, one for genetics, and the other for menacing appearance and fixed fights. Who do you think will do down into fighting history as the bigger joke? Both seem to be able to create themselves cash and notoriety while so many better fighters languish. Doesn't seem terribly fair. I s'pose it's unfair to compare a boxer to a cagefighter, but my viewpoint is from a sports-entertainment motif.




  1. Kimbo slice is a joke. He cannot beat even the crappy UFC fighters.

    As for Chavez jr I agree he is very overrated but he is still more talented than Kimbo.

    Kimbo has no grappling skills and was taken down again and again by a guy who is one of the most awful wrestlers in MMA.

    Neither guys will become champions or anything. But Chavez will be more successful in his sport.

  2. neither are jokes. Chavez's son has had around 40 fights so far and is still undefeated. yes Chavez, Jr has a leg up on others in regards to popularity b/c of his father but he is earning that reputation by his skill in the ring. Think about it for a minute... How could the media not cover a story such as this one. it never happens that the son of a successful boxer becomes successful and its a sensational story the fact the Chavez, Jr is climbing his way up.

    as far as kimbo... kimbo is also a sensational story. he has gone from being a low buget and low level youtube fighter to being a professional mma fighter. He may never have the skills as other mma fighters but his story of getting to the ufc is the American dream in action. In these times of constantly being bombarded with negativity from the far left of our country it is important that we don't allow these trends to also affect are entertainment and we need to look for the positive

  3. Chavez Jr is the bigger joke because Kimbo has three fights.

    Kimbo Slice has three fights he derives too fight bums because he is still learning. Chavez has 37 fights and we still cant remember one opponent that he fought.

    Kimbo has only fought in the cage three times. People expect him too become this monster in MMA and be a dominate force. Your taking a street fighter and putting him in with skilled Martial artist, he is going to have to develop. Kimbo has been working with Bass Rutten and has showed signs of improvement and that's he wants too improve by getting with the right people and taking the right steps. He has popularity from You-Tube but he is still going about it the right way.

    Julio Cesar Chavez JR this kid has 37 fights as a pro. People love his father so much that they will have any excuse too give him a pass. Kostya Tszyu didn't even have 37 fights his whole career. Miguel Cotto doesn't even have 37 fights just too give you an Idea of how many times he's fought. Then all I read on these boxing web sites is excuse after excuse. First he didn't have any amateur experience so he needs time too develop. After 37 fights how much developing do you need. This guy is being protected too pad a record. Mexicans like him and are paying money too watch him its not about boxing its about using this kids name too make money and that's bad for the sport.

  4. I won't go into the Chavez jr issue since there's no need. By just looking at Kimbo the answer is clear as to who is the biggest fraud.

    Kimbo slice is a joke. He went from fighting bums in his backyard to fighting bums in MMA.

    I'll admit he's been training for a very short while but still looked pathetic. Even his standup which is his main thing was horrible. He's off balance, wide punches. People talk about his punching power. What punching power? He had clean shots at an easy slow guy that is not hard to hit and who is known to have a glass chin and still couldn't put him away.

    Also, Thompson is a bum fighter who is notorious for gasing out quick so you can clearly see how bad Kimbo's stamina is since he was the first to gas out.

    It was just comical to see how far they went to make sure their poster boy would win. He was on the ground getting pounded for over a minute and the ref didn't stop it. They weren't the hardest shots but still he was doing absolutly nothing to try to defend himself. Any other fighter and the ref would have called it.

    Any above mediocre MMA fighter will submit or tk him within the first round. Let's see how long the Kimbo gravy train lasts.

    So Elite will either slowly shove him under the table and hope everyone will forget about him or he will get schooled by another tomato can and in turn make Elite EC look bad. So yeah, it's pretty clear they will do the former. Well, they are lucky they had a couple of decent cards in that event. d**n, they should of made Gina Carano the main event!

    I can say one thing though both (Chavez Jr and Kimbo) are making alot of money out of it which is good for both of them.

  5. Slice

    I don't know about Chavez Jr... He could be the 2nd coming, but he needs to step up his opposition and fast...

    Time will tell on Jr.... but if he were to get KO'd in the first round by a pillow puncher, Slice would still be the bigger fraud... BY FAR

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