
Who's the bigger head case at the minute, Gordon Brown or David Cameron?

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  1. Gordon Brown Of course ...ha! What a total Tosser we have running our country... Elected by whom and is carrying on the Mess of Blair....

  2. that's a hard one.

  3. two tories fighting ....its all part of the circus ..Brown steps down Cameron moves in

  4. not much between them, Brown is good at back peddling when on the ropes, but Cameron will soon learn to do the same, it's a knack they all have no matter which party they represent

  5. It's some choice isn't it, God what a mess this country is in if this is the best we can do.

    We used to laugh at the Raving Monster Loony Party but did we realise that one day they would form both Government AND Opposition?

  6. that w##ker brown, he shouldn't even be in office, WHO voted him in, not me, not you, no one did. between the two of them they have got OUR country on it's knees, i go to the filling station twice a week and what a surprise ' petrol has gone up another penny, this is beginning to happen just about on a weekly basis, bread, milk, butter, everything is spiralling out of control, when, or rather, where will it end.

  7. It's a close run thing. We have a tosser running the country and a tosser who wants to run the country.  We also have a tosser in 3rd place who would like to believe they'll ever stand a chance of running the country.  Could we please have someone who cares about what happens to this country and the people in it?  Sorry no, I forgot for a moment we were talking about politicians.

  8. As much as we love to hate Politicians and all their promises of hope and glory, they and we will never win because if they try and help the poor, the rich 'kick off'. The poor are grateful and remember with loyalty, the rich will take and give little but begrudge. It's a poor mans world, ran by rich 'I'm all right, so stuff yous'.

    Although the labour party are unfavourable at the moment due to a mathematician-trying-to-be- leader?

    I will never ever vote Tory, they are parasites........

  9. Gordon Brown of course, and the reason is pretty obvious, he is just making a complete mess of everything he is trying to do.

  10. All I know is if Cameron gets in he is reforming what the elderly get . No winter heating allowance and no free television licence for the over 75s. I think they are all the same out of touch with the working man and they promise the earth till they get elected.

  11. us.we vote them in.

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