
Who's the culprit??

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a Fishy murder mystery!!!

I had 2 Black Skirt Tetras, 5 Guppies, 3 Zebra Danios and one Peppered Cory

someones nipping at the guppies fins, two have died recently


The black skirts are not territorial at all... and seem very friendly

The Danios are very territorial and constantly circle the tank.

The Cory is always in a corner some where just relaxing but becomes frantic randomly.

The guppies hang out in two different groups at the bottom or top of the tank.

The culprit only attacks at night.

lol Ive tried watching them but no one seems to show any signs of nipping... I could try and seperate them but before i do that i'd like to have an idea of who to start with?

so does anyone know who's the culprit??




  1. dannios

  2. either danios or black skirts. both these species do better in groups of 5-6 or more, and corys should be in groups of 3 or more.

  3. It could be either the black skirt tetra or the zebra danios.

    The danios and black skirt tetras are not compatible with guppy's as they are fin nippers and the beautiful tails of guppy's are too much for them :)

    The cories are compatible with everyone in your tank.

    Its up to you what you want to do but I would take the guppy's out and put them in their own tank.

    Edit: Danios, Tetras, and cories all should be kept in schools of 6 or more to feel comfortable. Guppies should be either all male or more female to males.

    I love all your choices of fish they are beautiful and I hope you figure out the fishy murder mystery.
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