
Who's the most annoying person at your work?

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i have 2

the tattle tale who has 4 years less experience than anyone else, tries to pull power trips, dates every new manager and customer, tells the boss every little thing you do then cries when the boss doesn't get mad at you.

the other who is only happy when she is stealing someone's bf. which includes helping break up a 2 year relationship with a baby on the way. dumped the guy a month after the baby was born. then moved on the the next taken guy. well she's dirty and diseased looking but one or two guys still fall for it..

one more.. though she's long gone she gets an honorable mention: this short girl with fried hair and an orange tan who cried to the manager about how jealous everyone was of her looks her money and her car (a 2 year old eclipse.. hot damm) and could only work weekend mornings. and then always talked about how cute she was and walked around in underwear at home. if that's not creepy, i don't know what is..

i want to know about your co-workers too!




  1. My supervisor that when she talk to anybody she give that fake smile while she is talking. Very annoying.

  2. I study in school, I am a prefect, and its a disaster working with some of our fellow prefects.

    Person 1.

    This girl is one of my best friends, but whatever I say, she ignores it, humiliates me in public in front of juniors, teases me over another girl. And she herself is also chatting, laughing and she's the biggest prankstar around. One day while on duty, she started gossiping about her fav serial with 2 year younger kids and it was a complete chaos, till a teacher came and they had to stop!

    Person 2

    This girl believe she's the best prefect (yes, she is). She tries to act too smart, dashing, cool, stylish, and attract the juniors. One day on duty, she gave punishment to them! (we are not supposed to do that). I warned her, she didnt listen, she does what she feels is good, and doesnt give a d**n to any of us. Although she is really responsible and hard working, we have had enough of her.

    Person 3

    This one is the most irritating one. She acts too goody goody in front of teachers, tells ALL our secrets to them to make them hate us, tries to do all the work herself, takes advantage from everyone, but never helps anyone else! The most selfish girl I have ever met, probably

  3. I won't say their names, just describe the people who I worked with at my last job.

    a xtian guy who was a gossip and tattle tale.

    g*y guy, major gossip, he spilled some secret to this other girl, and we don't talk anymore. He also thought everyone wanted him.

    this girl thought everyone at work had g*y tendencies. She would try to guess which one of us was g*y, she thought I was g*y because I didn't talk about the guys I was dating. Gimme a break.

    I learned to be very careful about co-workers and who you befriend outside of work, sometimes its just best to not talk about work if you see them in your personal life.

  4. I have just one, a know-it-all.

    No matter what your problem she has experienced worse and/or knows the "only" (to her) solution.

    She complains about how she has so much work, so many projects, but she refuses to delegate any of it to the rest of us who have plenty of time on our hands.

    She take 1.5 hour lunches.

    She brags about her recent 2-year degree (took her 6 years to get it), but she never comes to work on time.

    After she got the degree (one that would just help her do her own job), she expected an immediate promotion, pay raise and party. When she didn't get any of them, she went to the boss's boss. Told him of her accomplishment and all he said was "Congratulations." She left his office in a huff.

    She tells everyone how to do their jobs. Yet when does them, she makes the same mistakes and thinks it's only OK for her to make them.

    Funniest thing to happen to her - she complains constantly about how poor she is, but she wants to build a second house. She's such a know-it-all that she tells all the contractors how to do their jobs (incorrectly, by the way.) No contractor in their right mind will work with her. She can't understand why.

  5. I work at a children's hair salon. So most of my clients are under the age of 10, I'd say. Well a few months ago my company hired this woman named Melody, who has what I like to call an "appropriateness problem." Melody will say anything that pops into her head, whether she should or not - to my clients as well as hers. She went into a rant about Hugh Hefner's bunnies and their TV show "The Girls Next Door" in front of one of my 6-year-old clients. She asked one of the dads (again, one of my clients) about his time in the Philippines ten years ago and wanted to know if he'd slept with any hookers there. She quizzed one mom on the labor union the mom's husband was a member of. She will discuss the s*x lives of celebrities as well as disgusting, disturbing things like murder and suicide - details, mind you.

    She doesn't clean up after herself or observe the rules of basic sanitation - things that are the law, by the way. And she likes to accuse co-workers of stealing her tips.

    She is convinced she looks like she's 30 even though she looks every one of her 45 years. She always talks about how she's been working out and asks people if they think she has a good body. And she thinks that this 18-year-old who works at the QT behind the salon is in love with her, so she goes over there every single day. She takes her lunch breaks when she knows there are appointments coming in. She ends every sentence with the word "huh."

    I could go on and on but I won't because it just makes me crazy.

  6. my loving sweet sister

  7. I have been laid off since May. My ex-boss was the WORST. Cruella DeVille was the nickname the mailman gave her. He also filled out a form that said "Beware of Dog" goes by the name of "Cruella"...

  8. At school, i was in computer class and its right after lunch so a lot of people have food, and your not supposed to eat in class so the teacher makes you eat at the door, by where I sit. This girl is eating and apple and the class is quiet, so all I'm listening to is loud crunching and chewing it was do annoying I felt like backhanding her!!! my friend was just laughing

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