
Who's the most overrated wrestler of all time ?

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Hulk Hogan in my opinion , although my Friend thinks its the British Bulldog - who do you think was overrated ?




  1. tripple hhh.  

  2. the rock

  3. Triple H

  4. The immortal...Hulk Hogan

  5. HHH


  6. The undertaker. I do not see what is so great about him. I respect bu i don't see what the big deal is.

    edit- steve e his match with khali was hurndous you know who put a good match out of khali John Cena

  7. give me a break The Rock overrated ?do u lost ur mind Strawberry or whatever.

    Definately the overrated wrestler of all time is Hulk Hogan

  8. even though i think hes entertaining i would have to say john cena.and for people to say triple h is ridiculous. over the past 13 years there hasnt been anyone besides the undertaker who has dedicated his life to entertaining wrestling fans. one day his career will be looked back on like people look back on ric flairs now.

  9. Cena is, i mean the 5 knuckle shuffle is the biggest joke i've seen in wrestling these days, plus his Mic skills suck, it's bored all he does just scream on the screen and he thinks hes toughter than anyone, even David Arquette's Gimmick and Mic skill are better than Cena.

    At least Hogan can take the crowd to the next level with his Hollywood gimmick.

  10. hulk hogan that guy couclnt wrestle him self out of a plastig bag,  that government mule, and if it werent him then its triple h all he does it punch and kick and bang the boss dughter and make new little baby flure championships watch my trubte to real wrestler

  11. Hulk Hogan.

  12. Jeff Hardy

  13. I also think Hulk Hogan

    but i think John Cena is catching up  

  14. Hulk Hogan. Even though he slammed a 700 pounder his actual in ring ability wasnt that great. He was like the John Cena of the old days. Lots of strength, but no in ring ability.


  16. those saying HHH is overrated are just a bunch of internet haters because he's married the girls boss, yes he gets more opportunities cuz of that  but deserve some credits take a look at Sslam, he managed to get a good match out of Khali who else can do that!?

    The most overrated wrestler has to be either Hulk Holgan or The Ultimate Warrior  

  17. i think batista

    he is from sd and was the best

    now on raw and he is still the best

    but i am still his fan

  18. The rock

    If I were to ask a question whos the 5 best wrestlers ever 90% of the people will say the Rock is in the list.

    In reality the Rock is far from the best wrestler ever and only got over with mic skills

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