
Who's the one relative no one ever invites to xmas or thanksgiving dinner?

by  |  earlier

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i don't need names, just personality types, and behaviors




  1. When it comes to family you pretty much have to invite everyone, but the one person I would choose not to invite would be the relative that always has too much to drink and then makes himself the centre of attention by being loud and obnoxious, and then falls asleep, snoring, in the best chair of the house. However, those are the stories that end up being the most talked about years down the road amongst all the rest of the family. "Do you remember when old Uncle Johnny......". Usually good for a laugh at that point!

  2. All my closer family comes. Like my aunts, uncles, and cousins.  Family like second cousins and stuff we don't invite.

  3. My aunt. That's mostly because she lives in another state, has a husband and kids, and can't really afford to fly or drive here for holidays.

  4. The one you hate the most

  5. usually all relatives are invited if they are in your immediate or close extended family.  You couldn't "not" invite your sister, grandma, or brother no matter how much you didn't want to be with them.

    But beyond that - aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews...they are optional and probably have their own closer family dinner to attend.

    Out of that group, less likely to be invited are those who are habitual liars, braggers, or drunks.  Also those who never have anything good to say about anyone else, or overly political people who might get into uncomfortable discussions with other family members who vote a different way.

  6. like if you mean who i dont invite do christmas parties how they behave,,,

    if thats wutt u mean then this is my answer- people who always have to have theyre way, get mad easily, are stuck up, or constantlly fight with family....((its really aggirvating wen people are like that and no one enjoys them coming over))

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