
Who's the smartest person in your school, or that you know?

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What about them makes them so intelligent? And I mean intelligent in the knowing everything (math,science, etc.)




  1. Some Indian guy named ****-iji. His dad is the caculus teacher and he has relations to like all the teachers and everyone think he knows everything, so everyone likes him.

  2. me. im just really gifted. too bad i have ADD.

  3. They study and do extracurricular stuff and know useless c**p like in Jeapordy.

  4. there is this really smart girl in my grade she gets A in everything!!! like evey subject-no joke!

    and every award given to our grade she recieves it is quite annoying but the fact is she was born that way, shes good in those subjects.

  5. Yes this really funny, well spoken, intelligent girl  in my class. like seriously she is smart. im in a more advanced environment and she is the top dog in our little group. along with one other girl, but i dont know much about her.

  6. Dwarfs are intelligent because physically their blood circulation is easier for their small size and since blood carries oxygen, nutrients and everything, they will tend to be smarter than the big tall fellow.

  7. Well in my school there is this group called the smart or advance I am in there..but in reality out of about the 20 sumthing of us only about half are really naturally really smart and the rest are just really hard workers who study and pay attention in class and have great skills. In my view, thats about it, hopefully I helped!

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