
Who's ticked off with the Olympics already?

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Its onlt been on a day and I'm sooooo Bored.

Your views TVM!!!




  1. I really enjoy the Olympics as a whole........some of it can be boring like basketball , bicycling or tennis but I liked the swimming & fencing I saw so far.

    I'm look forward to gymnastics & the equestrian events

    What I don't want to watch - I turn the channel

    Not hard with remote (push a button) or turn off the TV and log on to the internet or go take a walk.

  2. Um....change the channel.

  3. Some of it's ok, but it's mainly just boring. I prefer the winter olympics.

  4. I hate it, it's so boring! Still according to the news Wales won a gold medal today, so congrats to them..... yawn.... yawn..... Cant wait for it to finish....  

  5. I find the Olympics as exciting as every time. I guess it depends on what you like to watch. As a sports enthusiast and a fan for the USA, I am content with the results thus far.

    What does bother me is the policing, the stabbing of a couple linked to the Olympics in which the man died and the woman is in critical condition. I am concerned about China interfering in our cell phones, TV broadcasts and all the policing activity. They are a communist country and this disturbs me. I think we can expect other atrocities to come before it's over. GO USA!!!!!

  6. I lost it with the opening ceremony.

    Taiwan wasn't allowed to fly it's own flag and wasn't even called Taiwan. The American commentators didn't say a word about it.

    Voluntary censorship sucks!

    But I guess those Billion dollar business contracts with China are worth more than the objective journalism.

  7. i think it's on way too long, during the day. I prefer watching the paralympics as it's amazing how people can push themselves in that way. They do deserve medals.

  8. The Olympics bring us all together. The five rings symbolize the five continents, just enjoy what the games have to bring us. It's once every Four years!

    USA!, USA!, USA!, USA!, USA!, USA!, USA!, USA!, USA!, USA!

  9. I never have nor will I ever give a rats booty about the olympics what country their in or who wins. It's a waste of time & money. I certainly wouldnt watch it to reward a country like China or Russia. People get mad at the US and some of it is deserved but just look at Russia and their invasion of Georgia their targeting civilians directly and without mercy. It's one thing to come to the aid of a small loyal state or coutry its another to bomb civilians let alone use the issue to escalate the issue. I dont watch the olympics or anything to do with the sponsors of them only thing i dispise more is Obama he's everywhere.  

  10. There are dozens of TV channels to pick from so why do you chose to watch the olympics and then say you are bored. Here's and idea you probably never thought of.  Change channels.

  11. Me.

    Are they nearly over?

  12. No I love the Olympics. If you don't like it then watch another channel. I personally feel it's much better than all the other rubbish that's on the telly. I just wish I wasn't at work all day so I could watch more.

    Bring it on!!

  13. Lol yeh i know who else gets a hard on from watching people run, dive, an bounce around? certainly not me I have no idea why they even have it its sooooo stupid! cuts out all my shows

  14. Are you kidding?  It's the only time I get to enjoy buff men.

    Athletes are s**y.  They have few tattoos, all their teeth (well, unless they are hockey players or boxers) and incredibly strong, s**y bodies with little to no body fat.

    And the women?  I find athletic women even sexier.  They are confident and smart and women atheletes normally are well-behaved.

    If I were to leave the TV set here in the US and go downtown, I see lots of fat people with chubby arms and ugly tattoos.  So yeah, the s**y bodies on TV (regardless of nationality) is a nice change of pace.

    It's also nice to see all the nationalities get along.  Who doesn't get chocked up hearing the National Anthem of their country?!

  15. they are 2 weeks of h**l - they take over the tv time!!

    the opening seremony and closing seremony are the best parts!!

    but i fully support tom daily!! : )

  16. i haven't seen any of it, besides it's on to late,

    i hate watching hightlights.

  17. Every event is borin..

  18. Not me. So far it's better than I expected.  

  19. mikee, there four weeks i think!

    and yes, there boring me!

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