
Who's tired of all the....?

by  |  earlier

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whining, complaining, and just poor attitudes in this forum. It seems like all people do anymore is cry and complain about everything and anything. People hate everything, nothing is good enough, and nobody is happy with anything. If you are a real race fan just enjoy what the sport has to offer and stop all the hating. It makes everyone look bad.




  1. well arent u complaining about complaing u bootie!!!!!!!

  2. hey, look at it this way - at least for a few hours after the race, there was no complaining at all in this forum. as a matter of fact, there was nothing...

    and you won't hear any complaining out of me, and you wouldn't have even if my boy rowdy hadn't won. that was, to me, the best race all year, bar none. heck, if gilliland could have managed to not pull a "gilliland" and instead would have hung on to win, i still would have loved it...


    i only wish tony hadn't been ill, and that there would have been that big race back to the real finish line, including rowdy, carl, matt, kurt, jeff, junior and anybody else... but it ended how it ended and i can truthfully say that made it all the better. to see my boy race up front, make that incredible save and fall all the way to the back, then come back to the front with little to no help, bump and bang a bit with johnson, and still pull out the win, man... i'm still coming down from all the excitement...

  3. And at the time of this posting...still no real whining.  But it's coming. I can feel it.

  4. I hate you bubastiss, get on here asking questions that appeal to no one and think just because you have a keyboard you diserve to diss the haters in this world.  You should have thought of what you were going to ask before you asked it.  This is the stupidest thing I have ever seen and really don't care if you give me a thumbs down and report me for what have you...  I have listened to NASCAR  every week on the radio as a small child and watched it many more times as the years have passed.  I am 36 now and have watched and learned a many things about the sport we choose not to call WWF...  

    If I wanna get on here and ****** and complain about how things are set up and pardoned just as how NASCAR can make the most money off the fanfare then it is my right and I will...  Just like I can hit the shutdown button on my computer desktop, so can you...  I am whining because you are whining and when you are whining it makes me want to whine louder and then when I whine someone else starts whining and now the dogs outside are whining and they are waking up the dead, and you know what happens when the dead starts whining then the people in h**l start whining and St. Peter really starts whining and then Judas starts whining and his wife starts whining and then Earnhardt Sr. starts whining because his charriot has a handling problem and his tires starts whining because the grip in h**l is kinda good and with a loose condition the butt end of the car causes the grip of the tires to start whining.  Now that we have a whole world of people places and things whining, someone should take their shirt off and make some one else start whining.  You see what you started now dude, now I am really whining.  I just wish you would have just kept this to yourself and started whining to yourself then your heart could have burned to whine at your chest and you could have had indigestion whining in your stomach as you tried to swallow you would whine with disgust as you got that whiney taste in your mouth that made you whine about how much you hate that whiney flavor.  Stop your whining first...

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