
Who's vision of America do you hope for?

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McCain's or Obama's. And please go beyond Obama is a socialist (a lie) and McCain senility ( a lie) jokes.




  1. Mine:


    Lower Taxes

    Decent Health care

    A good economy

    Plenty of work

    Lower Crime

    Help for seniors

    No handouts for foreign governments

  2. There's nothing wrong with "socialized medicine". I think the word "socialism" places an unjust stigma on this type of health care system.

    I'm Canadian, and like many others in my country we take pride in our universal health care system. But it isn't without flaws. It is an old, outdated system with heavy overhead. I think a country like the United States would have the resources to create a newer universal health care system using modern technology and with more innovation. I honestly doubt it would fail!

    Even if you don't want a universal health care system, a two-tiered system would be a better alternative to what you have now. People who are unfortunate enough to not be able to afford necessary health care can nonetheless receive it, and through private health care those who desire a faster or more convenient health care service can pay for it if they want to.

    Short answer, to the original question: Obama.

    America, your friendly northern neighbours wish you the best of luck in November. :)

  3. Obama.


    1) Health care. I just spent the summer researching the Obama and McCain health care plans. Here is the scoop:

    Obama believes that our country, like all other industrialized countries, is capable of providing health care for everyone. We put more money into health care than any other country, yet we are ranked 34th in the world on quality of health care! Our main problem is access to care. In the 1930s, we almost created a health care system that was available to everyone, but we side-tracked by the war. Obama wants to make health care available to everyone. Naysayers don't think we should do this because it will cost too much money. These naysayers are usually rich, healthy people who already have health insurance. However, the 50 million Americans without insurance do not nay-say.

    The money is going to come from a couple of places. First of all, Obama plans to make the healthcare system more efficient by making medical records electronic and investing in Health Information Technology. He estimates that this will save us billions of dollars.

    His plan is NOT "socialized medicine." In fact, he wants to keep private insurance in place as an option. There is a problem with for-profit insurance, however. There are no incentives for these companies to give insurance to the poor or to the sick. This is why so many Americans get sick, then lose their jobs, then lose their insurance, and then are forced into bankrupcy to pay their medical bills. To help this group of people, he is making available a government insurance plan identical to the one that Senators get from the government. Like with the existing structure, Americans will have to pay for this insurance. However, the poor will pay less; everyone will pay what they can afford. This plan will also not turn anyone down due to sickness.

    Anyone could get sick and lose your insurance. I just want a safety net for you. =)

    Also, I am willing to deal with increased taxes if it means that 50 million of my fellow Americans will have health care available to them.

    McCain's plan does nothing to help the poor or the sick. Those with pre-existing conditions (like McCain's cancer!) will still not be able to get health care insurance. His own plan doesn't cover him. He wants to give $2500 tax breaks to everyone as a way of paying for health insurance. There are problems with this: 1) a heart transplant costs much much more than 2500. 2) If you are sick, you possibly won't be able to buy health insurance no matter how many tax breaks you get because insurance companies aren't willing to take you on.

    2) The war. If we could take back the money we spent on the war, we would be able to rebuild every road, bridge, and school in America! Democracy cannot be forced on a nation, particularly not by violence. And when that violence costs our country billions upon billions of dollars, we suffer. A lot. Obama wants to safely draw our troops out of the war. McCain wants to reinstate the draft.

    3) Energy. Obama wants to invest in alternate energy sources. McCain does not. I guess he just wants to keep using solely oil until it is completely used up, and then we'll all just... have to start walking to work and using candles to heat our homes. PS save the polar bears! Using oil is killing the planet!

    4) Foreign policy. The Republicans actually mocked Obama for saying that he wanted to use diplomacy to alleviate foreign threats. I guess they just want to use brute force and young American blood in lieu of open and honest discussion.

    5) Basic temperament. McCain has been criticized a lot for his temper. He once yelled at Cindy McCain in public "At least I don't load on the makeup like a trollop, you stupid c**t". So, not only does he have a bad temper, he is a misogynist.

    Obama is much calmer.

    6) Basic intelligence. Obama was first in his class at Harvard Law School. McCain graduated 5th from last at the Naval Academy. Which he probably only got into in the first place because of his dad. I don't know about you, but I choose my presidents like I choose my doctor. The smartest one possible, please.

  4. Obama's.  I have no interest in McCain's platform.  I don't think continuing on our current path will improve the economy, military concerns, or foreign relations.

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