
Who's worse live, DragonForce or Paramore?

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I personally gotta say Paramore. Even DragonForce hasn't been booed off the stage.




  1. I saw Dragonforce performing at the mainstage at Ozzfest in 2006, they had to be the worst band I ever saw live, their music reminded me of how awful the videogame ET was for the Atari 2600.

    I haven't seen Paramore, but I'm no fan of their music.

  2. Both are just bad full stop!!

  3. paramore is terrible terrible terrible. I've never heard either live but im going to say paramore! ugh

  4. dragon force they mess up on eeverything

  5. Paramore is a good band! I have never seen them live but I would love to. Hayley is s**y!

    I seen Dragonforce play at Mayhem this pass summer, no one was really in to them! I seen like one guy but he was drunk! All i heard from them was the guitar, no singing!!!

  6. paramore,since i hate them with passion,and its not like theyre going to bring in any crowd spirit.

  7. paramore

  8. I haven't seen DragonForce but Paramore were absolutely amazing when I saw them.

  9. I have actually seen them both, and I do agree, Paramore is definitely a better studio band than a live one

  10. lolparamore.

    If there was a free Dragonforce concert I'd likely go to it - can't say the same for paramore though.

  11. Paramore.   Given enough of your intoxicant of choice and a good crowd of friends, Dragonforce can be a good laugh, even if you don't like them.  Plus, their fans tend  to be good peoples as opposed  to p*****n girls.

  12. i dont like either band.

    but i went to the mayhem & dragonforce was their.

    they looked so g*y.

    i couldnt stop laughting.

    i never heard them before that but they sounded so g*y.

    i hate paramore & dragonforce.


  13. <-- not choosing both great bands!

  14. Dragonforce rocked last time i saw them


  15. Dragonforce HAS been booed offstage. Multiple times. And at least Paramore actually has the ability to play their instruments. Paramore still suck, but Dragonforce is pretty much one of those bands that causes humans constant pain just by existing, so I'm gonna go with Dragonshit. Besides, the singer from Paramore is hot.

  16. they both suck live and paramore is probably a little worst no band has a worst live performance then bloodhound gang.

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