
Who's your best 9 ball billiard player ever.!?

by  |  earlier

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for me. .... its still the "magician" efren bata reyes!!!!!!!




  1. Efren of course!!

    Yang (never rule him out) and Alcano (long white ball control) are so steady these days and great to watch.

    Earl "THE GIRL" Stickbreaker, should just sit at home and pout!! Silly little girly cheater snide....

  2. Earl Strickland

    even if he is a putz

  3. Other then TV never have really watched any of them live ....will have to go with Bill and Eric....the two best players in my opinion in the Corpus Christi, Tx area....Oscar an old timer is really maybe a little ahead of them....great players that truly "shoot" the game and inspire to come even remotely close to their level.......they would probably have to give me the 6 or 7 out to compete with them in a 9 ball know what....maybe the 5 out!!....they can shoot and can't imagine what it would be like to see Reyes live!.....he would probably have to give me the 1 out!!!

  4. I agree of course, the Magician... Efren "Bata" Reyes

  5. definitely efren bata reyes is the best 9 ball player but my favorite is alex pagulayan

  6. John Campy from Kentucky

  7. johnny archer and buddy hall

  8. Minnesota Fats & Jeanette Lee

  9. Efren "Bata" Reyes, of course!!! Sometimes he's just erratic and inconsistent, but well, nobody is perfect.

  10. Ever ?? Eddie Taylor -Knoxville Tn

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