
Who's your least favorite player on your favorite team

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Who's your least favorite player on your favorite team




  1. Team: Rockets

    Least Favorite Player: Steve Francis

    He Should Be Tied To A Post And Have Bricks Thrown At His Head

  2. Bobby Simmons on Nets he sucks and took jefferson

  3. My favorite team is the Spurs

    My favorite player on the team is Parker

    My favorite player is Chris Paul

    My favorite player at any level is Brandon Jennings

    My favorite player of all time is Isiah Thomas :]

  4. Team:Celtics and Lakers

    Player:Brian Scalabrine and Luke Walton!!

  5. Favorite team: Cleveland Cavs

    Favorite player: Anderson "Wild Thing" Varejao

    Least Favorite: Lance Allred(bet you never even heard of the guy right)  

  6. Favorite Lakers


  7. josh childress on the hawks because he left to go play in greece

  8. favorite team= Lakers

    least favorite player= Walton

    matt you're a pistons fan?? i believe you guys picked up KWAME BROWN!! umm you might want to rethink your answer! lol

  9. pistons baby, no one to hate :]

  10. Jerome James on the NY Knicks, because he sucks and gets paid alot of money.

  11. id say kenny thomas in the sac kings..

    *he doesnt do anything*

  12. He's not a player but I still hate him.

    MARK CUBAN!!!!!!!

    I don't blame Dampier for being inconsistent or Diop having little to no offense but those guys don't deserve the contracts they have!!! And who gives the contracts? YES! it is MARK CUBAN!

    Damp only deserves 4 of 5 million and diop only deserves 2-3 million. Not only do they earn so much but their contracts are very long!!!

  13. celtics! love em all!

  14. Zaza Pachulia

    Cuz all he does is foul out.

  15. My Favorite team is the Suns and I don't know who not to love on the Suns...............wait................l... me think......................nope can't think of anyone!! My Favorite players are Steve Nash and Amare Soudemire though

  16. Fav team: Kings

    Least fav player: Before Ron Artest Now Kenny Thomas

  17. Ben Wallace...

    The cavs do a huge trade and get him and 3 others...y?

    He dosen't score and averages 3-4 rebounds a game...

    and HE was the big name we got...

    I want Larry Hughs and Drew Gooden back

  18. I love the Lakers but I hate Kobe he is the reason they lost in the Finals!

    He is not a leader!

  19. favorite team lakers

    least favorite luke walton

    all walton does is take salary cap up and a waste if playing time. hes already like 28 and he sucks more than farmar.  

  20. Team: THE Boston Celtics

    Player: Kendrick Perkins

  21. FAVORITEST: kings

    but i dont see any use of 3 of the 4 we got from ATL;  justin williams  ; and kenny thomas.

    we need to get rid of them.

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