
Who's your tiger? just wanted to know?

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ok all you detroit tiger fans...who's your tiger?

i like magglio ordonez :]




  1. not a tiger fan but ill go wit there tood there closer he is funny.  

  2. Tigger. He's a furry little black cat who have a soft but gentle purr. you have listen carefully to hear his purr and he's soft and cuddly and he slides all over the kitchen floor and has a music meow and at night he gets in bed with me and makes me feel like I'm number one.  

  3. Miguel Cabrera by a longshot. Magglio is a great ball player but a phony. He earns over $10 million a year and supports a communist president back in his homeland. What a hypocrite.

  4. Sweet Lou Whitaker: All-Time for me

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