
Who Are The Hero's From These Olympics?

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For me it isn't any Gold medalist it is people like these two elderly grannies disgustingly displaced by the communist government for your entertainment:

Still enjoying the games knowing there are MILLIONS like them?




  1. There are millions of repressed people in China and quite frankly there isn't anything we can do about it - they have an army of one million troops and don't give a d**n about the rest of the world as long as we are buying our 'junk' from them. Our sporting olympians have been magnificent, surpassed everything they had targetted but i think the real Olympic Heros for the UK side for the 2008 Olympics are - the Australian cycling coaches who were engaged to help our people a few years ago and have succeeded beyond all our dreams - well except those of the Australian sports minister who has been very rude about our people especially the cyclists and swimmers! More power to their elbows etc!!!

  2. that fit american pole vaulter bird..oh yeah.

  3. Yep, still enjoying the Olympics. Why did they wait seven years to try to protest?  

  4. Yes, I'm enjoying the sporting events.  You can be against the politics of the olympics and the organisers, and still enjoy the athletic endeavours of the people who are not responsible for the actions of the government.

  5. I don´t believe that the Olympics is purely "entertainment"

    It is a celebration of humanity through sport encompassing the ideals of achievement through perseverance .

    While China has  many problems and issues which are now being debated publicly as the host nation is scrutinised by the whole planet, I believe that the sporting side of the Olympics should not be completely dismissed in favour of slating the Chinese administration.

    Nobody condones what has happened to these people and they need to be heard, but China has come a long way in a few years .

    So, who are my "heroes" from these Olympics? Every athlete and sportsperson who worked hard enough to get there.

  6. I have not watched the Olympics,

  7. Millions like them . ??  Prove it .

  8. There are no Olympic heroes. The real heroes are fighting and dying in foreign lands on the pretext of protecting our Queen but in actual fact are there only to satisfy the ego of a Prime Minister and an ex Prime Minister.

  9. Well, my hero is certainly not a drug cheat who can run a little and who got a gold.

  10. While I do agree it is pretty disgusting the way the general populace is treated in China by their rulers. I have been really happy at the way all the athletes have been conducting themselves, as a former runner I know how hard they have to work in order to get there.

  11. people are out of touch with reality, many thousands have been misplaced from thier homes for these Olympics. Many kicked out and are now living in tents.

    The number COULD be millions if you count the amount of people displaced for new skysrapers/buildings over the last few years since China's growth.

  12. The two people who did apply to have a protest in what they called the protest park and were sent to some re-education camp they are the hero's of this sorry sham.  The real hero's are the people that tried to raise the awareness of the world to this sham and games of corruption. I shall hold my head up high and can say I have not seen one second of these games. Viva la Revolution.  

  13. How many people will be displaced by the London Olympics and how many of them will be ignored by the septic and blatantly one sided and blinkered British media.Ex Tory MP Sebastian Coe and his cohorts have ridden roughshod over all of the human rights issues surrounding the Beijing Olympics and will no doubt be turning their proverbial blind eyes to any similar matters that may arise in the build up to the London Olympics in 2012.  

  14. The boy who was interviewed at the start of the olympics saying that his house had been knocked down to make way for them and that his mother had started a quiet protest and been arrested for it.  I think he was only about 16

    However, our athletes have been amazing and done incredibly well.  They have set an amazing example and done our country proud.  And they have been incredibly sporting as well

  15. erm well I was going to say Rebecca Adlington but you've got your crazy tree hugging hippy protesting head on again so I'll just sit quietly in the corner

  16. Yes, we should also boycott London 2012 for the travellers and businesses which were displaceded to make way for the games. Double standards again.

  17. All of the Sailing and Kayak teams for Britain., Rebecca whatshername the swimmer as well, and Michael Phelps for America and whatsisname Eushane thingy.. the bullet Jamaican guy.

  18. Yes shambo, I am, because I realise that the olympics is about sport not politics, and that boycotting them is about as pointless as trying to point all that out to you!!

    Love you :)

  19. I am sort of with KatKat on this one - boycotting the Olympics wouldn't make a blind bit of difference but something needs to be done. Speaking of being displaced for entertainment, any idea how much of East London is being razed to the ground to make way for 2012? Its forever on London Tonight, homes and businesses being shunted out the way for Olympic sites.

    & for me it has to be Usain Bolt - he's flippin amazing, I swear I had tears in my eyes watching the 200m final.

    No I know, I am appallingly unpatriotic and I couldn't give a toss, I was also pleased for Rafa Nadal and his Gold Medal meaning he takes world number one off of the miserable Mr Federer,  

  20. Usain Bolt, and the many British Gold medallists.

    Sport, not politics.

  21. Im more gutted that Australia didnt win more gold than the Brits than any issue affecting some old people in China.


  22. At least the Chinese know where their elderly are - which is more than can be said for the UK where 100s die each year alone and undiscovered.

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