
Who Are The Top 3 Most Overrated WWE Superstars Today???

by Guest66626  |  earlier

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why do you say they are???




  1. CM Punk, Batista, JBL

  2. Cena



  3. JBL (he's gained a ton of weight and is a terrible wrestler with a bad character, but he's good on the mike, he needs to be an announcer again, he was really entertaining)

    Batista (cant wrestle, bad on mike, no passion, nuff said)

    the Great Khali (cant wrestle, bad knees, bad on the mike, gonna be gone in less than a year)

  4. Why are people saying that JBL is overrated when nobody actually likes him anyway?

    1) John Cena.

    2) Batista.

    3) Jeff Hardy.

    The fourth would be CM Punk. At is current state that is. In ROH he was one of the best there but since he came to WWE he has become sloppy in the ring and his matches are boring to watch.

  5. Cena


    Mark Henry

  6. 3. CENA

    2. g*y BL


  7. cm punk he should never been champ

    khali cant wrestle hes to clumsy

    maria she sucks

  8. Cena

    Cm Punk

    Jbl (now cos hes too fat to wrestle) Or Batista

  9. 1. John Cena

    2. Batista

    3. CM Punk

  10. These are my 3 (from least overrated to the most):

    3) Great Khali- horrible in the ring, but still not as badly overrated as:

    2) Batista-Better than Khali in the ring but pushed WAY more and really can't wrestle outside a few moves...modern day Ultimate Warrior...still not as overrated as:

    1) Mark Henry-Let's see.  No major singles titles in his whole career (since 1996 and NOT counting the European Title HANDED to him by Jeff Jarrett the night after Summerslam 1999)...then he wins the ECW Title over Kane and Big Show!?  he did like 2 or 3 moves the whole match!  He was handed this title because of his problems with Michael Hayes.  Henry has never been good in the ring, and he never will.  He didn't earn a championship.  He should be the next one released by WWE in my opinion.  THE MOST OVERRATED WWE SUPERSTAR.-MARK HENRY

  11. Cena

    Randy Orton

    Chris Jericho

  12. 3.MVP He Just Needs To Stop Kicking Jeff Hardy In The Face He's An Orton Wannabe And A Power Ranger

    2.JBL He Just Isn't What He Used To Be. He's Good On The Mike And Should Stay An Announcer. He Has A Back Problem Which Made Him Lose To Rey Mysterio So He Could Be An Announcer All Because Of His Back Problem

    1.Finlay He Used To Be The Man Who Loved To Fight An Incredible Heel. And Always Took Out People With His Shelagh Now He Only Comes Out With Some Hornswoggle Dude With Toy Shelaghes

  13. Cena

    Cm Punk


  14. It appears some people don't know the meaning of overrated. They seem to be confusing it with the term "Given too much of a push". Underrated and overrated are terms used in reference with the fans. For example.. Edge would be overrated because he is loved by the fans a little more then he should be. I'm not saying hes bad, but he certainly isn't as good on the mic as everyone seems to think. Another example, Batista and John Cena. They are definitely not overrated. They are constantly booed by the fans and hated by them. Therefore they are not overrated, but in fact underrated. I say this because although they are not the best stars in the WWE they certainly do not deserve the abuse they get.

    Back to the point:

    1. Edge

    2. CM Punk

    3. Rey Mysterio

  15. Jeff Hardy

    The Great Khali

    Triple H

  16. 1)The Great Khali

    2)Chris Jerico

    3)The Next Gen tag team

    Here is why i don't say John Cena or Jbl because Cena carried the company with the title for a year or so and he is a great entainer and JBL is a legend so respect him even thoe he is a little bit past his prime!

  17. 3.cena


    1. THE "great" khali

  18. I can tell you right now the only answers you are gonna get are Cena and Batista. Personally, I think neither are overrated and deserve everything they've achieved.

    I think Maria and Kelly Kelly are overrated. They let Maria come out and beat Victoria? As if that would actually happen. They say Kelly Kelly was the most improved diva? She can't wrestle to save her life.

    I also think Hornswaggle and The Great Khali are far overrated.

    I know I'm going to get thumbs downs from practically everyone for this.

    Go on Cena/Batista haters and those who think Kelly Kelly and Maria's beauty surpass the fact they can't wrestle.

    Thumbs down me!

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