
Who Are You Voting For and Why? Are you Pro-Choice, or Pro- Life?

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I'm 14 and interested in politics, and a Rebublican For Sure. I'm Pro-Life, Catholic, and abortion is in-humane. Tis Tis, my opinion. What's yours? I'm interested in hearing!!

Thank you!




  1. McCain/Palin.

    Why? Because McCain has the experience to put this country in right direction and get us out of Iraq responsibly.

    Pro-life with a centrist view.

  2. I'm pro-reality and am voting for Obama.

    Forcing a rape victim to bear a result of the rape is inhumane.  Forcing a deformed fetus to birth is inhumane. Forcing someone to live with the subconscoius memories of being unwanted in the womb is inhumane.  

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