
Who Believes in Horoscopes?

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I just you think they're true? Just a little bit? Sometimes they really seem like it! But still.....

I'm obsessed with them and I hate being obssesed with them. Am I stupid to believe in horoscopes or what?




  1. no your not stupid to believe in used to make fun of ppl who did..untill last year i never really paid much attention to them. I dont believe in the day to day horoscopes but im a STRONG believer in the personality traits of signs..if that makes sense. and i also HATE being obsessed with them but for some odd reason they just seem to really describe the ppl in those signs..but i also believe that the way a person is raised their s*x and age can play a big part on those they may not be exactly like their sign says

  2. I don't believe in horoscopes, I believe in astrology. There's a big difference.

  3. I suppose I do I never admitted it but I do read alot on it and are fascinated by it.

  4. You need to ask yourself, "believe" or "know". Belief is easy. It takes no effort. The truth is a different story. It does require investigation and research. Evidence needs to be examined and tested. But the easy way to avoid this is just blindly believe and hope you are right.

    What can you do about your obsession? You have the power at your fingertips. We all are on the same internet. Start searching. Science is the only way to confirm any paranormal claim. There are many sites that have scientific testing (it has been tested often) for astrology. There are much more pro-astrology sites, but they will be belief oriented. For something so powerful and great, astrology hides it's achievements very well. It may have a history but it does not make history. Our schools don't teach fortune telling.

    If you have a need to "believe in something", how about believing in things that are real? Believe that things that don't make sense must be questioned. Believe in education so that ignorance is not an excuse. Believe that you can find the truth and trust in your own judgments.

    Below are links for you to examine.

  5. They should be used for fun only. There's no truth to any of them. Buy five magazines and you'll get five different opinions. It's what they call a pseudo-science.They're 110% false. Sorry.

  6. Well, I dont truly beleive them. But they are really fun to look at! Just don't go believing everything they tell you. Like if it says "You are going to have an awful day and might die or become seriously injured" don't go off and throw yourself in front of an 18-weeler!

  7. I do! *raises hand up*

    Carl : UGHH!

    MAGAZINE HOROSCOPES ARE FAKE!They only say things about boyfriend and girlfriend stuff.It's not real.You should look into deep astrology,not stupid ones on magazines...

  8. Believe nothing just because a so-called wise person said it.

    Believe nothing just because a belief is generally held.

    Believe nothing just because it is said in ancient books.

    Believe nothing just because it is said to be of divine origin.

    Believe nothing just because someone else believes it.

    Believe only what you yourself test and judge to be true

    Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.

    Love & Blessings


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