
Who Can I Get To Home School Me Other Than My Parents?

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Hi,I want to be home schooled this year but I would like for someone else to home school me other than my parents.If I hire a home school teacher how much will they charge? Does the home school teacher comes to my house?




  1. You can get tutors to come to your house but it's cheaper and easier just to do your school online. There are heaps of online schools for any grade. I won't give you any links since I don't know which ones are good but just type "homeschool online" into a search engine of your choosing and do a little research. Make sure you read up on them before you talk to your parents about it so they know it's real and you are serious about it.

  2. With an online school, it will be similar to having your parents help you with homework. You will be able to contact the teacher if you have questions and your parents will be there to help and/or hold you accountable/supervise you.

    Best of Luck!


  3. As part of your research, ask the tutor or home school teacher for references and be sure to follow through on checking them.  Ask around to your friends and family to see if anyone has had contact with this person and knows anything about them, both educationally and personally.

    One other thing you might do is check with your local college or university and see if the Tutoring or Placement office there can make any recommendations.  When I was in college, I supplemented my income by offering my services as a tutor, both through the college tutoring office and free-lance.  It is best to deal with someone who can give you references and/or is known to someone you know and trust.

    Above all, make sure that your home schooling setup is safe and secure for you, particularly if this person is unknown to you.  Don't be overly suspicious of everyone, but do use some common sense when dealing with an adult you don't know.

    Good luck to you.

  4. Nobody has to teach you, you just have to learn. An on-line school would probably suit you best although you ought to read up on autonomous/unschooling just so you know what you're missing.

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