
Who Cares?

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I woke this morning to see that the top story on Yahoo is that Katie Holmes got a hair cut. I mean seriously...WHO Cares? Is there nothing better for us to learn about? When and how did some woman getting a hair cut become news or even gossip?




  1. I don't think she got a very good deal...looks kinda messy

    I have no idea what she does.  Actress?  Singer?  She's very pretty though.

    I guess she needs better PR.

  2. the world is going to h**l and this is news?

  3. Who's Katie Holmes???? That's how much I care !!!

  4. Wow, the "news" really seems to be going downhill. Even the tabloids didn't used to report on such inconsequential things.

  5. Baby YOU said a mouth full there is too much stupidity taking up precious air time Like where Brinity Spears buy her dogs clothes,detail to detail devorce issues,what they eat,all kinds of stupid and silly shows like;The Biggest Loser,Beauty/the Geek,Jerry Springer Please is that the enterainment left for our Youth?God Forbid....Blessings Yahoo

  6. I totally agree with you. Who gives a monkey if she has her cut or not. I surely won't be losing sleep over it.

  7. Welcome to the Oceans in a labelled can

  8. I'm with you. I don't care now, or ever will. Actually I don't think any of these people are media worthy. I'd rather see something important, ya know. Oh and BTW, I know it didn't get any coverage, but I got my hair cut last week. :)

  9. They wouldn't report it if those weren't the kinds of stories that got attention (people clicking on them to read them).  So although it may be sad, we read that stuff and that's why they print it.  The media must have figured out a while ago that we prefer entertainment over news because the entire news industry here is a joke!  I only trust the BBC world news from England!

  10. Very true my friend. I find not only Yahoo but other media outlets report on some of the most insignificant thinks. I guess they can't find any better stories!!
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