
Who Created The Earth????

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Who Created The Earth????




  1. gravity

  2. the question is not a matter of who but what and it was gravity

  3. chuck norris

  4. If there's a "who" behind it, it would have to be God.  If it's a natural occurance (like the hundreds of other planets we're discovering)... then there would be no "who" behind it.

  5. Gravity and the remnants of the star that was here before the Sun created the earth and the rest of the solar system as well.

  6. i did

    your welcome.

  7. God

  8. This is a tricky question.  On the theology side, God.

    On the scientific side, gravity did.

    It all depends on what you beleive in.

  9. read the bible, it says God created the earth and all it's surroundings.

  10. You did.

    No, i'm serious.  The whole Universe is a fantasy that you're running in your head.  It's a pretty cool place.  You must be very smart.

  11. Well, I don't believe in God, but since so many people brings up God in this topic, then I would like to introduce to everyone the story of Pangu

    further details on wikipedia

  12. It was not a who, and it was not created, since that word implies a creator, and no such creator exists. The Earth simply came to be due to natural physical processes.

  13. The Magratheans. Especially Slartibartfast.

    Everybody knows that.

  14. i say gravity because it helps us walk and stay in one place intead of floating all around the place and stufff. ever wonder wht place did earth get create like after which planet did it get create? like if it was made after venus cause that's wht our solar system says in studies earth comes after if u wan't the who than god is the main one to create is yes. if god weren't here u kno the whole world wudn't even be running right now.. ohh yah in case u don't kno just for ur info there is like a giant magnet underground like under the earth's layer  in the deep layer right now that hold us stick to the ground..

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