
Who Do You Agree With?

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Ok Just to make something clear this is a childish arguement between me and my friend but tell me what you think.

Ok so me and my friend planned on going to cedar point for 5 months in advanced. well she got sick wich put it off, then it was raining for another week wich put it off even more then we planned on going this last past tuesday but it was raining then to, so tomorrow is wensday and we are going tomorrow but there is supposed to be isolated thunderstroms with 30% precipitation. now isolated means it only rains in spots of sandusky and 30% is low to begin with and she got mad cause i didnt want to wait another day to go but 30 isolated it probly wont even rain. anyways i got a doctors appt thursday so we can go that day anyways wich she understands but she got mad when i didnt want to wait any longer cause its been but off so much and i dont want to go week ends cause it will be packed and i dont want to put it off yet another week. so tell me what you think.




  1. Make a date and go, rain or shine : )

  2. You can check the dual doppler. That may help ,but maybe not. Just watch the weather and call each other up and then sort it out and work together. Have Fun!

  3. .....of all the question i read...from sexuality to relationships.....this question, i have no idea what you are asking...your gf is mad that you dont want to wait, and you think its retarded that shes mad....theres no right or wrong in this...your the bf, shes the should know well enough to just listin to her because it will make her happy and you reason to go to and be why are u mad, blah blha

  4. I live in Ohio, too (near Dayton) and when they say 30%/isolated means one of two things. We aren't getting any rain or we will get it in the evening. That has been the forecast here for pretty much every day for a month  and it has yet to rain during the day when they say 'isolated showers'.

    I'm almost confident you won't get caught in anything big and if you will blow over in no time. Those showers/storms never last very long. So, go and if it does start to rain, that would be a good time to pop in someplace and have lunch or look around the gift shops. You could always promise her that if it DOES rain, she is more than welcome to tell you "I told you so"

    Have fun!

  5. if you have a doctors apptment 2morrow then you would have to go after it or you would have to go friday am i the only one to use my head and just to let you know with things like that wemon are always right

  6. I agree it is a childish argument.

  7. ive been there when it rains and its not bad. it will probably clear up anyway.
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