
Who Do You Hate More?

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who do you hate more the jonas brothers or miley cyrus well.... i hate both of them but i want to what you think!!!




  1. I don't hate either of them....but I'm also not all...OMG I freakin love them!! either.....there ok..

  2. hater.  i dont like the music they produce, but ive never mt either of them, so how amm i to judge??

  3. g*y people

  4. OH geez definitely miley cyrus!!! watch i asked a question about hating her and so many people were like "omg shes soooo great" you're gonna get so many people saying stuff like that UGH YUCKKKK!!! she annoys the c**p outta me!!!!!

    hahaha cat: i want to drop kick her in the face too!!!!!!!

  5. I Love Hannah Montana And Miley Cyrus,,

    But,, I hate the Jonas Brothers,,

    And I'm not doing what other people might do,,

    Say they hate both of them just to get the Best Answer

    I am being truful


  6. Both...........but JONAS BROTHERS wayyyy more! They r stuck uo, ygly snobs that r stupid. Miley stinks too. But the Jo bros r soooooooooooo annoying! I want them to vanish 4ever. If I go to their concert, I'd like to set a trap to hurt them badly.

  7. i love the jonas brothers bc they write most of their music and theyr not singing about girls a$$es and drugs like alott of other music. i cant stand miley cyrus. shes turning very S****y. especially her makeup! its horrible. and shes doing that lame hannah montana singing thing. ugh its stupid.

  8. SNAP!!..I Hate Them Both 2..But..It wood have 2 B Miley Cyrus....Hannah Montana....????<<<<RUBBISH.......She cant Even Sing!!!!......:L:L:L

  9. Victor the Easter Chicken thinks this question is getting old.

  10. i dont hate any of them. seriously, who are we to judge? have you met her or something .. i dont think so! stop being so judgemental and stop cARing so much about celebs.... wow .

  11. miley cyrus i just think shes stupid.with the hanna montana

  12. I don't hate either. Obviously a lot of people like them both, because if no one did they would not be famous. Miley can be annoying, and I do not enjoy the Jonas Brothers music because they are little boys in my opinion.

  13. I don't hate anybody. I just dislike some of the people's attitudes.  I would say neither because I like Miley Cyrus and not too familiar with the Jonas Brothers.

  14. i dont hate any of them

    i hate people that hate people when they dont even know the person in real life. that really bothers me.

  15. i hate both of them too


  16. Can't say I hate either of them. I probably like the Jonas Brothers more...but Miley's not too bad. She just tries to act older than she is.

  17. I like both of them but if i had to say didn't think was as good as the other one but i would say MILEY CYRUS IS not that great but for her age its pretty good.....:-)

  18. Hate them both on T.V. but i can't say about real life since I don't know them .

  19. i luv both

  20. i hate miley cyrus more. shes just...apalling.

  21. i hate them both, but i definitely hate MILEY more. oh my goodness. that girl has no talent, attractiveness, or nothing! she's a terrible actor, and singer. Jonas brothers, well, they simply belong in a circus

  22. Miley Cyrus. Definately. She's still like, a pre-teen. And only her dad can act. She thinks she can, but boy is she wrong!

  23. i hate them to

  24. I guess Jonas Brothers, I like watching Hannah Montana

  25. i hate all Disney people equally the same.

  26. I don't like Miley Cyrus!

  27. I hate neither of them. Why do you hate them? gimme a specific reason for hating both of them. you are just jealous.

  28. i hate pooping my pants

  29. I went to the Hannah Montana concert not too long ago, she sang good, but i think that she wants to be older than what she is,  A 15 year old singer. The Jonas Brothers aren't bad, i just dont really like their look, meaning that it does not see that they work for disney channel, but for some nasty rock band.

  30. Definitly, Miley Cyrus I mean she won't leave the Jonas Brothers alone. She is bascically making a fool of herself!

  31. I want to drop-kick Miley Cyrus in the face.
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