
Who Do You Think Is The Biggest Threat to World Peace Today (Keep it Short)?

by Guest58065  |  earlier

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Who in the Political Arena, in your opinion, is most likely to cause a major major crisis or war. Please keep the answers to a couple of words (the name) I'm not really interested in your reasons.





  1. 1) George W Bush

    2) Religion

  2. jesus christ - people slate bush so much, he aint perfect by a long shot, but neither has any political leader in the western world.

    bottom line is i would rather live under a system that champions personal freedoms like the UK or US, than a state dictated solution like communism or religion designed to keep people towing the line.

    I certainly dont see Bush as the biggest threat to peace, compared to Putin, various fanatical religious leaders etc ...

  3. W

    that short enough for ya?

  4. religion - all flavours


  6. George W Bush.

    And (hopefully not) McCain.

  7. Bush,Putin,Brown, not necessarily in that order.

  8. A paranoid, adventuristic USA and a rabidly anti-western Islamist movement which is growing rapidly. Together they will create crisis after crisis, leading to Armageddon. Communism has become what it was meant to be, a movement for equality and harmony, not a threat.

  9. Bush

  10. The Government, who cant keep their noses out of International issues if only they would realise the UN are holders of international law and not them. The Gov i speak of is the United States gov :)

    Sorry it aint as short as you want, but i feel this answer needs an explanation :)

  11. Religion, always has been, and always will be.

  12. Islam

  13. Greed - Bush


  14. Russia

  15. USA

  16. fanatical religions, who's followers believe they are above the accepted laws of human protocol.

  17. Sepp Blatter

  18. George Bush......

  19. McCain.

  20. Any leader - religious or political

  21. As strong as Russia is, i believe it won't start a war, but AMerica on the other hand in my opinion just might start one soon.

  22. Israel

  23. Greedy, power mad intolerant despots, both secular and religious.

  24. Human Nature - we can't help fighting!

  25. George Bush

  26. 1.Religion

    2.The intoxicating and addictive nature of greed and power.

    I could give you gazillions of names.....

  27. Russia.

  28. Religion,religions despots,religions idiotic needy

  29. George W Bush - thank God he is leaving

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