
Who Do You Think Should Be President?

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Who Do You Think Should Be President?




  1. Norman Schwarzkopf, Steve Jobs, Colin Powell, Warren Buffet, Lou Dobbs, and Denise Milani

  2. McCain because he has more experience, wisdom and emotional intelligence.

  3. No one that I want is going to be, so I really don't care.

  4. Neither as they are as bad as each other and will do nothing and are in effect incapable of resolving major world conflicts and problems.

    What contribution will either candidate make in relation to the position of Pakistan and India, Israel and Palestine, Iraq occupation and Afghanistan occupation, Iran, China, Russia, North and South Korea, Africa as a whole including the position in Zimbabwe and world economic situation.

    The answer is; nothing, other than to make it worse.

    There will be a nuclear attack or a major out-and-out war between Israel and Iran during their presidency and they will pander to Israel's requests.

  5. Bernie Mac!

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