
Who Do You Thinks Going To Be The President?

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Who Do You Thinks Going To Be The President?




  1. obama

  2. I hate politics... but as a former Marine I love McCains history.  If you havent done so, read about his Vietnam experiences.  The guy was in his plane ready to take off from the carrier and a bomb hit his plane...blew up..killed lots of people, injured  hundreds more. and he plus another time he was shot down..captured as a POW. When they found out his dad was Commander of All forces over there they were going to let him go.. but he had the Balls to tell them no way!!, Not until you release everyone that was captured before me...well he stayed a POW for almost 6 years.. and was tortured bad... This dude is a Bad ***!!! :)  lol.. but im still not sure who im voting for

  3. Barack Obama

  4. McCain will be our next President.

    Obama has no experience, no back-bone, and is clearly afraid of debating with McCain the real issues.

    Energy Exploration - Obama says NO / MCCAIN says YES

    Town Hall Meetings - Obama says YES in his book, but NO to McCain

    With his lack of experience, Obama says to trust his judgment -- yet he gives a speech saying pastors should give sermons not diatribes.. yet he sat in a church listening for 20 years to his Rev. Wright.

    His judgment seems faulty as well.

  5. Do you mean Who is going to be the NEXT president? We

    already have one until January 20th, 2009. Then we will see.

    If things remain as they are it would be hard for a Republican

    to win or a Democrat to lose but isn't that what Thomas Dewey said about Truman in 1948?

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