
Who Do You Turn To When There Is No One Left?

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IF you have a problem and have absoultly no one to talk to about it...... then what. What do you do?




  1. God all though I would go to him first  

  2. I always have a friend in Jesus!  I am never alone!!

  3. If I was in that situation, I would call a counselling hotline. In Australia, there are a few different ones (free), and if you are in the US (or probably most other places), I'm sure you would have them there too. Have a look in the phone book and hopefully you will find something like that.

    Good luck, and I hope things improve for you soon.

  4. look in the mirror and talk

  5. Sit & write a letter to vent all your don't have to send it to anyone it usually helps to get it out if you have no one you can talk to..

    p.s you can always talk to me :-)

    Good Luck ;-)

  6. watch TV

  7. Talk to God

  8. Bust out my handy dandy journal!!

  9. I'd ask myself... What would Chuck Norris do?

    There is no Ctrl button on Chuck Norris's computer coz Chuck Norris is ALWAYS in control!

  10. To myself--and that's where I turn first!

  11. With God..I always make my way through.


  12. I use Y!A to vent sometimes.  And it usually works :)

  13. Jesus, once you turn your life to him theres nothing he cant handle

  14. I'm in the same situation. I hope you get some good answers!  

  15. Myself, I just sleep a little longer for a couple of days so the problem seems somewhat less annoying.

    Then I take a deep breath and figure it's just as well now as it will be years from now really, and forget about it.

  16. Ask myself "What would mom do?"...she's usually the one I turn to with all my problems because she's always there to listen and offer advice.  

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