
Who Do You Want to Win BB9 UK?

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Because frankly I find them all Really, Really Annoying!

But I keep Watching.............




  1. No-one stands out as a winner  this year, there's a few i dont mind winning though. I wouldnt mind if Sara, Kat or Rachel won.  

  2. As Rhett Butler said...

    *Frankly,my dear...I dont give a d**n*...

    None of the Housemates this year have rocked my boat...

  3. this program should be banned its soooooo c!"p aw well 2 points  

  4. Mo or Kat.

  5. I agree all are very annoying so let Darnell win

  6. Rachel or Sara

  7. mikey

  8. Not Mikey because he eats like a pig. Not Rex because he is nasty, even to the woman he loves.

    I think Darnell is the peoples' favourite, with Rachel maybe a close second. I also think Lisa is a dark horse. But I will go for Darnell. He is fair, straightforward, not nasty to others, doesn't involve much in bitching, preferring to tell people straight what he thinks.

  9. I think if the Goldfish had`ve survived then it would`ve had a good chance, So it looks like Mikey will win the Prize.  

  10. Mikey!!  He is the only one IMO who isnt playing for the cameras (Darnell and Kat are the worst for this)

  11. Mikey, Mohamed, or Darnell. In that order. lol :-)

  12. I Wanted Either Stu Or Rachel ,, But That Went Out The Window When They Were both Up For Eviction ,, One Of Them Had To Go And It Was Stu.. Ahh Well So I Really Want Rachel To Win ,, I Think She Is The Only One Who Is Genuin .. Love Her =]

    Hate KAT!


  13. Kevin Costner

  14. rex! i no hes annoying, but the only one worth watching now...wouldn't really mind as long as its not MIKEY! cant stand him! wen was the last time he took a shower? he looks stinking! and cant stand his voice. and also mo! i really don't want him to win. cant even look at him without gagging after that bogey thing ! errrrrrrr! xx

  15. i want either Mikey, darnell or mo 2 win.

  16. Mikey!

    Yes he may eat like a pig (see above) but he is blind?  Anyway you have to will Mo around.  And Ka with her COOKIES COOKIES.

  17. Rachel or Lisa or Darnell

    (-:Smiling Star-:)

  18. MIKEY !

    He is so cool,, the onlty genuine one left,, &&* loved how he stood up to Nicole &&* Rex too ! He is fun,, &&* copes well with his disability and doesn't complain or nothing ... SO funny how he told Nicole how Rex slept in the same bed as Steph LMAO ! I could have hugged him haha ..

    Mikey 2 Win !!


  19. Lisa.

  20. I don't mind Darnell, Rachel, Lisa or Mikey winning, but my favourite now is:


  21. They are ALL annoying but Darnell and Rachel are the pick of a bad bunch.

  22. I have to admit that I would go for Sara or Lisa as the rest of the house are really NOT deserving enough to win BB!

  23. rachel for me

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