
Who Else Finds this news about Iran Hilarious but Excected?

by Guest58322  |  earlier

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On Fox News tonight they had a 3 minute report on Iran's ridiculous attempt to make themselves look more powerful than they are. Everyone has heard I am sure that Iran faked some of it's photos about they're missile tests a few weeks ago. But lately Iran has been boasting about all the new weapons and equipment it is getting. So on the Iran's Military Ministry website they have been posting lots and lots of photos of them....

The only Problem is that they are photos of Models!!!!!*LoL* They stole photos from other websites and took model pics from other sources of aircraft, tanks ect and used them on the site.

An Aviation and Space Expert caught them , and now its on the news. What's next with this crackpot Terrorist Regime Nation?




  1. LOL Weren't they also passing around computer printouts of a videogame claiming they nuked Washington D.C.?

  2. Fox reported that tonight?  I thought the film of the Iran tests were shown to be fake a couple of weeks ago.  

    You'd think Iran would know people could debunk it.

  3. Look !

    A plane ! A plane !

    Sorry Boss !

    Just green coconuts .

    Up the coconut trees.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

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