
Who Else Is Hoping This Is Their Month?

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Just wanted to throw out a question to all of you TTC. Who else is hoping that August is going to be 'their month'? I'm trying to stay as hopeful and determined as ever!




  1. I plan on testing August 4th at 12 dpo. I am really hopeful that this is the month for me! But I also know if it isn't it will be okay.

    Good Luck to you!!  

  2. Found out today it's not happened this month. So hopefully have better news by the end Aug! Hope someone else is luckier!

    Good Luck

  3. i'll be testing next monday, if i don't get my period before that.  i have pms symptoms though! i've had swollen and painful b*****s since ovulation, but today i got period-like cramps.  i think it's the period coming soon. i hope not! good luck to all of you

  4. I am testing in 2 days and I cant wait. I'm so hoping that this is our month as well. I think my DH is more excited then I am. I also keep it in my mind though that it may not happen and that its ok.

    Baby dust to all and heres to hoping for good news!!!!! : )

  5. I sooo wish this is my month!!!!  My dh and I have been trying for 20 months. I am expecting AF tomorrow but if by chance she doesn't show I will probably test after the weekend.  I am feeling pms'y so I don't have very high hopes.

  6. I'm 18 dpo and tested this morning and got a positive!!!!  Going to have blood drawn today to confirm it!

    Yeah!!!!  Keep trying it will happen...took us 8 months and a few rounds of Clomid.

  7. I think every TTC er wants it to be their month!

  8. I hope so in August is my birthday I would love to have a postive EPT test as my presant for my B-Day!!!!  

  9. im just really hoping i am. me and my hubby are trying, and as of right now im two months late. :)

    put the tests are coming back neg. i have a doc appt. aug 5th, so im really anxious.

    but good luck to all of those who are trying, i wish you the best!! i know we cant wait to have a baby of our own :)

  10. I WISH it was............or will be. But old Aunt Flow just came.

    That *****.

    Oh well, there is always September. Baby Dust.

  11. I'm hoping. I'm a week late and will take a test tomorrow morning.

  12. I know we are hoping this is our 24th month of trying and 1st cycle of clomid.  We are hoping to test around the 13th of August.

    Baby dust to all ttc!

  13. We would love for this to be out month, but it is ultimately God's decision! I think we would make great parents, and I trust that God will know when we are ready to start our family! Here is some baby dust to everyone!  

  14. We have been hoping that it would be THE month since April. I just found out yesterday that July was not the month for us.  So we are now hoping that August will be the month for us.  We are trying to stay optimistic and are trying another route this month. They say that stress can have a negative effect on attempts to conceive so we are going to try not to think about it so much this month.  We are just going to try to BD around my fertile time and whenever else the mood may strike and try to let go of so much charting, counting and observing.  Hopefully we will all be successful. Baby Dust to all!

  15. I will start my meds to help me conceive!! I have an under active thyroid and I have a feeling august is the month lol... it might be late august but I feel that it's a positive month if you know what I mean.

    Best of luck to you  

  16. Ooo I hope that it is mine because I was supposed to start on 7/28/08-7/30/08 and so far I haven't had no signs of starting at all just sore b***s and fatigue as well as headaches (dnt know if that is a symptom tho)  so I can't wait to find out what the outcome is just gonna wait 2-3 more days to test.  Thx for the baby dust!  Good luck all!

  17. I am also hoping this is my month....I won't test until I miss my period ( which I hope I do) on the 7th of Aug....I previously tried before and was very disappointed, so I will just be hopeful....Good Luck!!! and I hope this is your month also....

  18. I am really hoping this is my month...I have just finished my 4th round of clomid so hoping its kicking my body into workin lol But i secretly Think we are all hoping that this is our month we can all live in hope cant we? Good luck to all you ttc*****babydust*** to all...

  19. Do keep your head up!! It will happen!! I just ovulated and got into baby making! I'm hoping and praying August is going to be my month!!!! ~BABY DUST~ to all of you that are trying! Keep us posted! I know I will. :)  

  20. I wish it wa s, but im not getting my hopes up! Our wedding is next Saturday the 9th, the SAME day as my period is do... So, im not testing until after the honeymoon.  

  21. I hope it's August for me too!


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