
Who Else Is................?

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On their 2 week wait?!?! Ugh, I just started today and I feel like this is going to be foreverrrrrr. I know we did everything right this month I can feel it!!! Good luck to everyone ttc and lots of baby dust!!!! =]




  1. i knnow ur feelings dear,i pray 4 u ,GOD will help u ,take folic acid

  2. I am due for my period in 2 weeks time the last 2mths i have had chemical pregnancies(july and aug)so who knows this mth i told myself i wasnt goin but any more tests til i was at least 2 weeks late but i dont think i can wait that long lol good luck to all TTC.

  3. I am, and it gets more brutal each month. We have been ttc for 6 months now but this is the first month I used the opks so I feel really good about it. I am 8 dpo and going insane, I have been taking hpt's since 3 bfn's, not sure what I was expecting. Good luck to you and hopefully we will both get our BFP this month. Lots of ladies on here have been getting there bfp the last couple of weeks, so hopefully it's in the air :)

  4. Hi, AF is due to visit me tomorrow so i am just at the end of the TWW, it's the longest two weeks ever, lol... I hope we are all lucky this month.  Good luck

  5. I am in my second week and I am going insane. I have a dr. appointment on Thursday to get things checked out as we have not been able to conceive since I had a miscarriage last year Oct. Every month I get my hopes up and then there is this huge let down when AF arrives. Those people out there who fall pregnant just like that are really sooooo lucky and blessed. Good luck and I hope your two week wait was worth every second!!!

  6. I am on my tww too!! My period is due next week, and I took a preg test last night, because i have been experiencing some symptoms, but it came back negative, I really hope this is because it was too early to test!!

    Im soo impatient, just want to be pregnant soo bad!!

    Lots of luck and baby dust to you!!!


  7. ive just finnished my 2ww and im pregnant but it seemed forever.i wanted to get up later and go to bed earlier so it wouldnt seem so

    i does feel more like a month doesnt it.look at my chart.

  8. Yay I am almost done with mine: ) Really hope we got it right!!! The tww is awful. I am one of those obsessive boob checking freaks that are just looking for any symptom( I know it isn't healthy lol).BABYDUST

  9. Hi  

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