
Who Felt The EarthQuake Last Night!!!!!!!!!...Wanna hear ur stories!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i am in southampton, duno if it hit here to but i was fast asleep and didnt feel a thing!

What was everyones reaction?????

What happened 2 u???




  1. I live in Yorkshire, I thought it was a big gust of wind - and went back to sleep!

  2. I was in bed and awoken by a sudden feeling of impending doom and was clear that once again I was caught up in an over hyped news story!!!!!

  3. I got up and looked through the wiondow, I thought a car had crashed into the house, I looked at the clock it said 1.04 as usual my OH didn't wake.

  4. i live in cambridgshire my husband was in the kitchen and i was upstairs in bed he said the kitchen cupboards were banging but upstairs my bedroom was shaking . quite exciting for us in uk

  5. I am with Dave S and Overcast kid on this.

    Enough is enough.

  6. I woke up by the shake. Thought it was just a horrible dream and slept back again. Later in the morning, I realize it was really an earthquake. Won't be able to sleep later, if I knew it was an earthquake.

  7. I live about 6 miles from where the epicentre was. Woke up cos the dogs were barking their heads off, then the bed started shaking & there was an almighty loud noise that went on for about 10 seconds. I jumped out of bed & the floor was shaking, too.

    Woo HOo !!!!

    No damage thankfully, except the wheelie bin was on a bit of a tilt ! hee hee.

    (THINKING OF HAVING T-SHIRTS PRINTED - "I Survived the '08 quake'!!!!!)

  8. I was sleeping wen i felt the floor shaking i jumped out of bed and started running about the house all the pics on the wall fell of

  9. when i eat baked beans i make more movement than that earthquake last night. Stop panicking.

  10. Hi - In warwickshire - I woke up hearing a big bang and the bed shaking... my boyfriend fast asleep so I woke him up to tell him and he said I was mad!!!!! - the whole house shook!

  11. I didn't personally feel it but my mum did. She lives about 10minutes away from the epicenter. It woke her up at about 1am and she said that it was a bit scary!

    Wish I still lived at home cos then i'd have felt it myself! lol.

  12. Oh yeah it really shook our house I think my bed actually moved a bit and it woke my little girl up i am in oldham it was actually quite scary

  13. i was asleep and i thought it was me shaking!

    then i heard drunken flat mates running up and down the corridor shouting 'earthquake!' lol

  14. It woke me up, I could feel my bed shaking. I was and truly all shook

  15. sorry i did not feel anything

  16. Scroll down the page, and you will see the thousand stories already posted about it ............

    Its an earth tremor .......not a major disaster.

    Having said that, much like if you ask 'what were you doing on 9/11', i know that you will get at least 30 responses to this question because people feel like regaling us with tales of how they were making toast and suddenly the earth seemed to move ........... and that was it ................

    i know my life is enriched for this extra knowledge i now have lol.

  17. No I didn't feel


  18. Im up in greater manchester for the week looking after my new mum with 6 puppies! Been up for about 37 hours..Was just about to lay down to have a rest, and bam! The whole house shook for about 5/10 seconds.. I was in disbelief and thought I was going nutts.. lol

    It didnt quite register till I looked on the news!! Im still amazed, my first earthquake!

  19. Felt it here in northamptonshire. My poor mice haven't come out of the igloo since.

  20. My wife said that ,the earth moved for her.

  21. Woke me up in West Yorkshire, a guy about 8 miles up the road in Wombwell had his chimney stack fall through his bedroom ceiling on top of him.

  22. i heard it i was asleep woke me up i thought the sodding legs of my bed had broken yes lol but when u half asleep that does happen lol

  23. i live in Derbyshire and yes i felt it, it happened between 12.30-1am and lasted a minute, the whole house shook

  24. Seriously, I have heard more about this d**n earthquake than I ever wanted to know. Every second question is about the earthquake!

  25. And there I was thinking that it was ME that made the earth move for her in doors last night!!!! I guess it's back to the drawing board!!

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