
Who In Your Opinion Is the Best Snooker Player Ever & Why ?

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Who In Your Opinion Is the Best Snooker Player Ever & Why ?




  1. In my opinion it has to be Stephen Hendry.

    7 World Championship titles speak for themselves.

    (Joe Davis may have won more, but there were far fewer top-class players in those days so it doesn't mean as much anymore)

  2. Without a questions its Ronnie O'Sullivan. The most naturally gifted player ever.

  3. Jimmy....(the wirlwind) white........COME ON JIMMY....loved how Jim Davidson used to tease him when he was on his stupid show.  Yes...he was my favourite.

  4. Stephen Hendry because he has won more world championships and tournaments than anyone else

  5. It has to be Ronnie Osullivan,no other player can just get down and pot the balls the way he does,hes also a great character for the game,instead of all the boring ones

  6. Alex "Hurricane" Higgins, I loved watching him play, he was just amazing...

  7. Jimmy White. Cause he will never give up.

  8. Despite the fact he was as boring as h**l to watch it has to be the ginger whinger himself, Steve Davies.

  9. It is Joe Davis.  Not only was he unbeatable for 20 years, he was responsible for lifting the standards and tactics of play to where they are now.

  10. steve interesting davis ,he completly changed the face of snooker in the 80s,and without him snooker would not be in the position its in now, and he is still playing at a very high standard today

  11. What is Snooker????????

  12. Joe Davis because he was unbeatable

    In the modern era Jimmy White although Ronnie Sullivan(sos about spelling) is a true master, who else can play left and right handed?

    Alex Higgins was a breath of fresh air in the 70's - 80's(Hope he's OK) and Ray Reardon, John Spencer and Cliff thorburn also were great.

    Don't forget Kirk Stevens though, if it wasn't for nose candy how good would he have been?

  13. that's a hard question Ronnie is just a pure talented player who takes chances and make the game a whole lot more interesting to watch, while Jimmy White was the best of the best in his prime which lasted for so many years..i can't decide so i cheat and pick the both of them

  14. For me it has to be Steve Davis.

    People reckoned he was boring but they probably didn't play the game. The standard of his safety shots was exceptional. To be able to play just a handful of shots as well as he did would be a dream. It was rare that a ball didn't end up exactly where it was meant to be. I find it quite hard to watch him now because I just remember how good he was and it must frustrate the h**l out of him as well.

  15. Ronnie O'Sullivan.

    5min 20 sec to make a maximum 147 break.

    The only world class player to be able to use both hands.

    The most naturally gifted player, ever.

    Need I say more?

  16. stephen hendry is and will always be the best there ever was,he demolished eveyone in his sights from the late 80's till late 90's and in 2006 became world number one again.

  17. In my opinion....Fred davis was the best...many a time I would watch him whilst munching on a pickled egg and supping me stout down the Pig and Whistle..He could teach the youngsters of today a thing or 2...When I was young we didnt have snooker cues we had to stick matches together and the snooker table was the floor of grandads shed which we painted green..not with real paint mind you..we crushed grass cutting to make a stain...the pockets were actually old snail shells and the snooker balls were rolled up balls of mud which we dried using our hot, hot breath....We had to imagine colour back then as we couldnt afford it...We had to make do with a black and white world....Zzzzzzzzzzz

  18. Its a toss up between Stephen Hendry and Steve Davis and Mr Hendry just sneaks ahead.

    When he was in form, he beat everyone in his way and not just for a year or so, but 10 years and he can still do it now.

    Legend !!!

  19. ronnie  is the best and most natural player in the world,but hes a little messed up from time to time that put him off .

  20. Ronnie he may not of had the success of hendry and Davis but  he is just so awesome to watch

  21. It has to be Joe Davis, the guy was world champion for about 20 years straight in the first half of the 20th century

  22. Alex [hurricane] Higgins. why , because he never stopped being eccentric. you never knew  what he was going to pull out of the bag next .trick shots swerve on the ball ,tantrums ,knocking balls off the table,regular occurrences for him.he had more fire than all the modern wave of players ,yes they have talent but they don't entertain, Alex was  a showman and sorely missed.

  23. Willie Thorn, because he is my double....................

  24. Steve Davis. He totally dominated snooker in the 1980s and even now he is still competing at the highest level.

  25. In terms of achievements, it will be Stephen Hendry.

    In terms of natural talent, it will be Ronnie O'Sullivan but he is hopeless in other billiards games like 8-ball.

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