
Who Is The Father Of Palin's Unplanned Baby?

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She's only 17. This could be a statutory rape case.




  1. that baby dont look like me, like me

  2. First name is Levi.  The Palin's will not release the last.  Nobody will say where he is or how old he is.  Still part of the cover-up.

    Stop The Shot-Gun Wedding

    Dream : Nobody in the Obama or Palin family claims that the father is himself under 18.  Not a one has made this claim.

  3. "Let me be as clear as possible," Obama said. "I think people's families are off-limits, and people's children are especially off-limits. This shouldn't be part of our politics. It has no relevance to Gov. Palin's performance as governor or her potential performance as a vice president."

  4. This has what to do with the size, cost, and power of the federal government?

    As far as I know this private incedent has nothing to do with palins views, or mccains views, or obamas views, or bushes views.

    It will effect our freedom & liberty not one bit.

  5. me


    How dare Michael Moore be HAPPY that there is a hurricane in progress that has killed and will destroy peoples lives.

    I always knew the Democrats were abortion baby killing happy. But now this. Michael Moore should be ASHAMED of himself.

    he also needs to learn what a bar of soap and comb are!!!

  7. My monies on slick Willy

  8. I did not have sexual relations with that woman.

    Where were you about 6 months ago?

  9. What difference does it make?

  10. I don't know, but I am sure that they will force her to get married to the guy, so it will appear to look right.  I do know that no matter who McClain selected, there should be doubt that 4 more years, of the last 8 years we won't have to endure.  Especially, after the millions and millions of people turn out on November 4, 2008, to cast their ballot for Obama.  Obama rocks.  

  11. As far as I know, 17 is not considered for statutory rape.  And why should you care?  If those two love eachother, and they do plan on getting married, why would someone do that?  It's not like she was only 14 and he was 22!  

    By the're messiah said to leave the kids alone...they're off limits!  Hope he doesn't strike some of you libs with lightening!!

  12. i say we denouce all presidental and vp running people and redue the presidental race again, so we can fix the **** ups  

  13. Why do you care?

  14. Listen and you would of heard it was her teenage boyfriend whom she is planning on marrying. If he is under 18 then it's not statutory rape.

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