
Who Killed the Electirc Car?

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How wrong is our society?

An infrastructure was in place in California. Everyone who owned one loved the car and didn't want to give it up.

The Automakers, the Government, CARB, Hydrogen Fuel Cells, and the Consumers all contributed to the death of the electric car.

Where do we go from here?




  1. Who killed the electric car?

    The average consumer who wouldn't buy them

    Short range... and low speed killed them.

    The "Xebra" is a modern electric vehicls.. they are VERY PROUD that the thing can go 30 mph for 30 miles on a charge.... ITS A GOLF CART WITH HEADLIGHTS AND SEATBELTS!.

    When someone makes an AFFORDABLE electric car that can do 60 mph for 60 miles on a charge... I'll think about getting one.

  2. Rebuild.

  3. logic killed the electric car it is a pointless exercise so you can feel better. study some physics , it takes a certain amount of power to do x amount of work, regardless of the fuel source.

  4. 1) oil companies

    2)automobile manufactures

    3)the government

    actually if you ask me they are all the same since government and the car companies own stock in the oil companies.

  5. I've seen this movie, this tpye of technology has been oppressed for a long time.

  6. The market killed the electric car.  It simply could not compete.

  7. the big oil companies helped kill it....i mean if we all were driving electric cars then their profits would plummet and poor old Georgie would be broke and stupid

  8. The Oil Companies. It's not in THEIR best interest that the gasoline powered engine goes away... The REST of us- can't be bothered. Expect gas to hit $4. a gallon next Summer.

  9. So you watched to film too!

    The oil companies,and lack of demand,

    convincing the people it was the right way..

    It was a great idea with much money invested,

    Too bad,For a good idea ,it didnt stick

  10. Nobody killed the electric car. Weight and range are the two biggest obstacles for this technology.

    Compressed air cars make more sense in this regard. Lighter weight, more range, they are being produced. Just need to get the word out.

  11. gas cars killed electric cars

  12. Corporate America's financial denizen's do not want to let go of the throats of the American consumer.  They have us by the gonads with the petroleum dependence.  If they let go of our need for replacement carburetors, distributors, etc they lose they interest (financial) in the auto industry.

    That's like toy makers coming up with toys that run without batteries.

  13. resurrecting it to be corporate and government resistant

  14. His arch enemy Double Agent S.U.V who works for the covert evil agency Group Out to Undermine Green's Exposure

    or G.O.U.G.E.

    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to be continued!

  15. Dont u just hate GM they ruin everything. hey if u go out and try to bring back the electric car i will be right behind you =)

  16. there is a good documentary on this issue, you can probably find archives about this issue with the filmakers on, I think Sonali kolhotkar from uprising or Amy Goodman from Democracy Now did the interview, check it out!

  17. As I understood it, there was a patent for the electrical car, and somehow it got bought by an oil company.  And the idea for the car, as well as all the electric cars that were in California (that were being trialed) were destroyed.  Electric cars equal bad news for the oil companies you know.  Wankers. I think there was a documentary of this ....dont know the name of it tho.

  18. Good point about the Zap! Xebra, but people should check out the Obvio! 828 and 012. They're brazilian, $14000 USD, available this year, run any combination of gasoline, ethanol, AND natural gas. They've got decent performance, too. Both are available as (more expensive) all-electric models too. Check out the Zap website.

    they're made by a partnership of Obvio (brazil), ZAP, (california), and Lotus engineering (UK). No big oil or SUV companies are involved. (yay!)

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