
Who LOVES cheesecake?

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Who LOVES cheesecake?

I have to help plan an event and a colleague asked me to make cheesecake.


The real question is.

Would you prefer cheesecake that is just plain by itself on a plate?

or Dipped in chocolate (white, milk or dark)?

Covered in nuts, maybe?

Do you think you would like to eat cheesecake even during the winter season? (If I do well, I can also make it for this year's Christmas Party~) Do you think coffee and cheesecake go together? What kind of drinks should I tell my colleague to prepare?

Any help would be appreciated.

Have a nice day.





    plain coffee

  2. i love cheesecake :)

    plain or strawberry cheesecake with coffee ?

    do you have to make cheesecake ? you should make cake that would go great with coffee !

  3. MEEE!!!!

  4. Personally, I would go with plain cheesecake, but have several different types of toppings so people can make their own.  I would serve it on a plate as it can be rather messy.  Cheesecake is good ANY time of the year.  Serve with coffee and tea.

  5. i think cheesecake tastes best with like a tiny bit of strawberry coulis on top. it depends if your going to bake the cheesecake or just put in in the fridge. i think un-baked cheesecake tastes the best, but that may be just me :D.

    im sure it would still taste good in winter, but its not a winter dish.

    mmm no i dont think coffee and cheesecake go because cream cheese doesnt really go with coffee. xx

  6. I truly prefer plain new york.

    as far as set up ,i helped arrange a desert table once and we baked cheese cake in square pans.cut them into bite size pieces (1x2 in) and displayed them on trays in small cupcake holders.

    we had 3 kinds .plain, chocolate and strawberry swirl. some of the plain was decorated with cherry sauce or blueberry sauce.

    the plain was by far the favorite with and without the fruit sauce,other garnishes used were chopped nuts, mini chips and drizzled chocolate.

    chopped pistachios with white chocolate drizzle

    look elegant on the chocolate cheese cake.

    This was a formal affair so we served champagne punch but just as many people preferred coffee

    and yes ,cheese cake is loved just as well in the winter.Its a star attraction at my christmas Eve parties.


  7. i do

    im me please -

  8. bars on sticks is a really good idea and i could totally go for some chocolate drizzle on my strawberry cheese cake. lack of plates might make people drop stuff on they're shirts, though, so if you do it that way, have some plates handy as catching utensils.

      i once mixed cheese cake recipes until i wound up with chocolate chip pumpkin caramel swirl. makes my teeth hurt just thinking of it. but its proof that you can doo just about whatever you want with cheese cake.

      it a rich dessert, so the kind of beverages that go well would be hot tea, milk and coffee.

      and finally, yes. the most traditional new york style chees cake is a winter time dessert, simply for the fact that it does go so well with coffee. the different seasons are when you get creative with your flavorings. light fruits in the summer, rich chocolate and caramel in the winter, you get the drift...

    good luck with it!

  9. you can't go wrong with cheesecake! :)

    i would suggest maybe making two kinds of cheesecake; a plain one and one with chocolate.  i would avoid nuts on at least one of them, in case of allergies.

    personally, i really a cheesecake recipe i found on a brownie box.  i think it was a pillsbury mint chocolate fudge brownie mix & instructions are on the box.  just mix the crust and press it into a springform pan, mix up the cheesecake filling and bake it according to the recipe.  then top it with smucker's strawberry fruit squeeze preserves (makes it easier to aim) and then drizzle the mint chocolate fudgy syrup (in the box) over it all and make it pretty.  it is SOOOO tasty! :) (see the link in the source list)

    it is definitely good any time of year.

    i usually need a tall glass of ice cold milk to wash my cheesecake down, but i don't think coffee would be a bad idea either.

  10. ME.

    Hmm. Never tried coffee and cheesecake o.0

    I'll try it!

  11. me

  12. #1 Dipped in Darkest of Chocolate is AWESOME (with strawberries)

    #2 Winter Season Cheesecake = Yes Yes Make It

    #3 Coffee and Cheesecake were born to be together

    #4 Drinks by colleagues: well is if it's an informal event then Irish Coffee would be lovely, and make everyone reeelaaaax

    (Irish coffee means add whiskey)

  13. i love cheesecake....anytime, anywhere! i think you should serve all three and serve them on plates because while it might be on a stick, it might be a little difficult to eat like with icecream and be a bit messy especially if it has any toppings on it...if you have to go with one flavor, i think plain would be good. if you want, maybe you can serve different toppings with the cheesecake so people can choose if they want chocolate or strawberries.

    good luck =]

  14. OMG I love cheese cake, and I love it with toppings, but alone is okay.............what kind of question is that!!!!!!!

  15. Cheesecake -great!

    Prefer it layered. Alternate with white and dark chocolate.

    Drinks are best tea and coffee.

    Arabica white coffee.  Assam, Darjeeling or some black tea.

    Fresh milk, an option with the teas and coffee.

    Hope it helps.

  16. love it.rarely have it though..

    coffee is good with it.

    but i like it with chocolate or caramel...

    just have different flavors of coffe.

  17. Cheese cake made any way is delicious anytime!  As for coffee I am not a drinker of coffee so I wouldnt drink it with cheese cake or any other food for that matter!

    You have a nice day also! :)

  18. eew!! cheesecake!! i only like other cheese stuff.




  19. I love oreo cheesecake

  20. i love cheesecake no matter what

  21. I love chessecake :]

    But, I would think it would be nice if you did Strawberry Cheesecake. That stuff is the best.

    But i would like dipped in milk chocolate, no nuts though.

    Duh, If you really chessecake, wouldn't you eat it anytime of year. I eat year round so.. yeah i would eat it in the winter season.

    Coffee sounds pretty good, also water would.

  22. why not try making Minne cheese cakes.

    you make different kinds.

    maybe tea,coffee,hot chocolate,

  23. my husband makes cheesecakes and we have over 170 different kinds we make. coffee is a good choice of drink also milk or water for those who don't drink coffee. ( yes there are some people who don't drink it) My favorite is our chocolate brownie cheesecake but our biggest seller is the strawberry chocolate chip cheesecake. the brownie one has a brownie for the crust, chocolate filling with brownie pieces in it drizzled with chocolate and nuts.(very rich). the best seller is a gram cracker crust with strawberry's and chocolate chip's mixed into the mix, topped with drizzled chocolate both chocolate and white.
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