
Who Makes a Better Role Model for Girls: Hillary, Michelle or Palin? Why?

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  1. Palin - she kicked corruption's butt!!!

    Hillary's a feminist, Michelle's a racist - not admirable.

  2. Palin because she is a wife and mother who is independent and successful who has strong Judao Christian values.

  3. Hillary isn't a role model for anyone!  Palin is to a certain extent a good one, except I don't see how she can be a good mother with five children and holding important public office.  Michelle is an educated person with a powerful job and a good family record.  So I'll give it to the last two, but never Hillary!  (Pelosi, please!)

  4. Michelle and Hillary. Palin is currently under investigation.

  5. All three equally excellent role models they all put family first.  All strong and educated.

  6. Palin...successfull and a good mother...what more can you ask for?

  7. I think they are all equal. All three are successful women.

  8. If a girl must look to a politician for a role model, that girl is up a creek already!

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