
Who Misses The good ol' WcW days?+WQ?

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WCW was a very very BIG PROMOTION.

Basically 90% of the wrestlers in WWE were from WCW.

Beat Raw in Ratings many years.

Owned by a Ted Turner owner of Timewarner, Cnn, Tnt, Mgm studios, owned baseball teams.

We had many great wrestlers

Mr Perfect







Scott Hall (razor ramon)

Kevin Nash

Randy Savage

Bret the hitman hart

Marty Jennety


Scott Norton


Rick Steiner

Eddie Guerrero

Billy Kidman

Rey Mysterio

Lance Storm


Diamond Dallas Page

Juvented Guerrero

Super Crazy

Big Show

Aj Styles

Booker T

Stevie Ray

Bull Dog


Roddy Piper



Terry Funk


Ric Flair

Four Horsemen

All Nwo members

And over 90+ other wrestlers list can go on

But yes,

WQ: what are your most missed memories of the WCW DAYS.




  1. SEVERAL of those "WCW wrestlers" were originally WWE wrestlers, and EDGE??? Are you KIDDING me? He was a JOBBER in WCW, and isn't even REMEMBERED for being there!

  2. Too young

  3. Yes I Miss it

    WQ:When WCW was on TV!

  4. yes i will miss it

  5. Yes it was awesome

    Wq:When it wasn't defunct

  6. i  know u said four horsemen but to mention some names barry whindam , tully blanchard , psycho sid , arn anderson and i mean the list can go on .....not to mention jericho undertaker and lots more

    the thing i mis most is the actual WRESTLING that is truly missed by many and like the person aboveme said on the weekend there was plenty of wrestling to watch and dont forget about the free classic pay-per-view quality matches provided by the CLASH OF THE CHAMPIONS do u think vince would give things like that no and to anoyone who says Saturday Night Main event that was just a cheap rip off and joke

    but these are the things i miss  

  7. WCW did 2 things right.

    1. They brought in many international wrestlers, infusing their cruiserweight division with Mexicans and Japanese- plus throwing in someone with the last name "Malenko" was an excellent move!

    2. nWo... Can we ever truely appreciate this for what it was? It was a faction, a stable, and yet its image and legend became so big that it REALLY felt like they were tearing the organization apart (in reality, it was the best thing they ever did!). No one will ever repeat what the nWo did... having their own entrance way, recruiting the boss, owning referees, having their own pay-per-view (absolutely genius! The "wcw" wrestlers didn't even have their music playing as they entered the ring, and on wcw television, Mike Tenay and Lary Zbysko excellently played up the 'fact' that they only reluctantly were promoting the nWo's "own" pay-per-view). Hollywood Hogan is the only thing Terrence Bollea did well in his entire career. For years, they started calling the organizations events WCW/nWo.... WOW!!!!

    nWo ran its course, and I hope it never comes back (it will RUIN its place in history) but wasn't that amazing???

    WCW did an excellent job for a few concecutive years, even making the WCW championship ALMOST as prestigious as the WWF belt and pushing guys that the WWF was too stupid to notice.

  8. I miss how the ones that was on WCW like Booker T was made out to be an idiot When in the later years of WCW He and Sting Carried them I also miss NWO they were pretty cool and funny  

  9. Yeah, I miss it a lot.  

  10. I do WCW was amazing. I watched Nitro every week without fail. The crusierweight division was awesome and WCW had the big names in the main event it was truely where the big boys played.

    WQ-I miss the Sting vs the nWo feud

  11. WCW was the SH*T!

    Too bad McMahon put it out of bussiness. :(

    But I'll bet that if he does bring it back, he'll just turn it into c**p like ECW!  

  12. no not really

  13. It was class act where at least you could see some wrestling and  a little storyline..instead of a lot of storyline and a little wrestling. It was for the most part family orientated but it did not insult the intelligence  of older fans. They also had announcing that was incredible,whether they were glad to be there or not they made it sound that way.

  14. I loved WCW. In the mid 90s, on Saturdays there would be a total of 4 wrestling shows on that day....WCW Saturday Morning, WWF Mania, WWF Superstars, and WCW Saturday Night...all in one day. It was beautiful and I watched them all.

    WCW provided LEGIT competition to the WWF/E and both companies kept each other on their toes in the late 90s, not to mention at times WCW was MUCH better than the WWF wrestling wise. The only time I didn't like WCW was it's final full year which was 2000, and those two and a half months in 2001, where it looked like a kindergardener was producing the shows.

  15. i miss what WCW was BEFORE Russo took over and made it into a rotten hoagie!  I really miss what it felt like when the NWO began.  That is my favorite era in ANY wrestling promotion.  That's what started a revolution.  Too bad it got so watered down and convoluted.  NWO 4 LIFE!

    Hoagie UP!

  16. I miss them because when they were around Vince had to come up with new & good ideas to keep his ratings high now all he cares about is selling t-shirts to children

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