
Who Needs 4 day conventions that cost taxpayers $34 million? Give it to the people!?

by  |  earlier

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Four days is a long time to pull working public servants off their jobs for a self-aggrandizing party. The Democrats used it as internal problem fixing they could have and should have done internally, not on the taxpayers time and taxpayers dime.




  1. The Democrats? Are the Republicans not going to do the same thing next week?  Oh that's right, they are rich and don't work, the money must come from their trust funds.

  2. I don't think more than a million dollars of taxpayer money

    should go to each convention. That's plenty for general

    security and clean up. The rest of the fu fu should be paid

    by the party givers and party goers.

    The lazy congress ought to repeal that law earmarking

    $34 million dollars to the two parties' campaigns.

    That's despicable.

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