
Who REALLY knows the Bible better: Christians or Atheists?

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Lizard: If her Bible is a virgin...?




  1. the ones who wrote it

  2. Atheists may think they know the Bible, but do they really KNOW the Bible? Satan knows the scriptures more than mere mortal humans and it was his knowledge of the Word that allowed him to tempt Jesus. It has been said many times that "a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing". This certainly is true of people who claim to know the word but fail to believe in the Lord. It is especially dangerous for them because their lack of belief and faith in the Lord will be their downfall. Eternal separation from God and what a terrifying experience awaits them when they face the Lord in judgment. It is a fearful thing to fall into the Hands of the Living God. All their self-proclaimed wisdom will be of no avail. As the scripture found in Rom 1:22 — Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. It is this very attitude of self-arrogance that will lead to their destruction.


  3. The understanding of the Bible is absolutely through the Holy Spirit.

    It is not interpreted by a man or individually.

    God is an eternal spirit and his truth is revealed not to sinful flesh but through the spirit.

    Many times Atheist as I once called myself interpret the Bible from their own carnal understanding.

    Many times they wrongly see things as contradictions.

    God can demonstrate a thing both physically and literally and also spiritually. These things can be difficult for the carnal mind to comprehend.

    Now if your asking can a man without a degree in theology understand the word of God? Then my answer would be definitely yes.

    The Bible assures us that those who love and seek the truth will find it.

    These receive a gift from God called faith and this is the beginning of a relationship with God.

    It is through faith that we receive revelation from God.

    His truth is made real to us.

    It is through revelation we begin a relationship with God.

    The Bible is by revelation, the writers received revelations from God to write the Bible and the revelation to the reader is also by revelation of the spirit.

    Am I to believe I had a better understanding of God's word before I knew him?

  4. Hah!  That's an easy one!  ....Atheists!     ( I used to be a christian, but I started to have disbelief about a year ago...which is when I actually started studying the bible.)     Atheists, hand down, know the bible better than christians do.

  5. I think that's a really silly question. Some atheists know the bible better than christians and some christians know the bible better than atheists. if you mean KNOW as in what it says, and not the interpretation.

    great gig said it all, seriously.

    & the problem with most atheists here on this site that i have observed, is that they're so stuck on trying to prove us wrong, not knowing that it really doesn't matter what they think is wrong or right. No one's judgement matters to me except God's.

  6. Some atheists really know their Bible, and some Christians have one at home collecting dust in the attic. Of course, the reverse is true as well. I suppose it depends entirely on the individual.

  7. Only the Atheists who were Christian in the past or the ones who have relatives who are Christian know the bible better than the average Christian..

    Atheists who were previously from another religion or are just like that because they grew up without a specific religion obviously don't know much about the Bible.

    Your question is pretty broad though because is like the Pope knows more about the bible than an Atheist of course..-_-

  8. Both can be apt at knowing the Bible; it's all about dedication to analysis of the text. I know supposed 'Christians' who probably couldn't tell Leviticus from their @rse, and I know atheists who have an almost encyclopedic knowledge of the book. It's all relative, you see.

    P.S. Watch Chris come in here spouting some shite about how 'only Christians can truly understand the Bible'. Right, as if accepting Christ unlocks some special section of your brain that makes Bible interpretation easier.

  9. Whether they claim to be Christians, Atheists, scientists, doctors, lawyers, whatever...the ones who know it best are the ones who read it on a regular basis, like daily, own their own, studying it for themselves.  It's the same as anything else.  If you don't study and learn it, you don't know it.  You may know a little about it, but you won't know it if you don't study.


  11. 2 Peter 1

    19And we have the word of the prophets made more certain, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. 20Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation. 21For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

  12. atheists and pagans, because we are so used to having scripture thrown in our face, we learned the best parts to throw back.  And undoubtedly we have all read it because we were forced to at some point.

    As for myself, I enjoyed the past two weeks doing research on the origins of the bible.  I learned a lot about Egyptian and babylonian paganism, Zoroastrianism, the Mysteries of Mythras, and a whole bunch of other religions =)

  13. The average atheist knows it FAR and away better than the average christian why do you think he became an atheist in the first place ? All you need to confirm that is to read the Q&A on this site .

    Dominican Boy every JW I have asked can't answer the simplest question in the babble " who cut Samson's hair ? "

    Hint it wasn't Delilah you jackass .

    Fireball is a classic example of what I am talking about notice how she avoids answering with an obvious line of bullsh*t ? I wonder if her bible is a virgin ?

  14. I would say people who read it do, if that is an atheist or a Christian.

  15. There's a difference in knowledge here - head knowledge and heart knowledge.  

    Anyone can memorize the words and have the head knowledge, but as Christians, we have been given the Holy Spirit to help us understand it.  It becomes a heart knowledge, not just words on a page but something that we love to learn about and do.  

    Action is the key difference between the types of knowledge.  The only way to get that is through the Holy Spirit, which comes from faith in Jesus Christ.  

  16. Atheists, FTW.

    Because they know its a contradiction and a book of storytales and the only way to believe all of it is by faith and not actual truth.

    Not much different than Aesops Fables, as soneone else a while ago previously pointed out.

    henrykrinkle: OMG! Thats exactly what Chris would say. I'm waiting for him to come around. XD

  17. Christians because the Bible's message is hidden from non believers and athiests do not have enlightment to understand.

  18. Knowing is not understanding, and atheists demonstrate this with every question. Twisting verses does not have anything to do with understanding.

    Regurgitating what it says on an atheist website is not knowing anything.

  19. :Look. Christians who read the word every day can fellowship with the author every day as well.   What can be better than that?

    An atheist may know about the Bible but not understand really why Christians find such energy and power and inspiration from it.  Just as a person may know how each instrument in an orchestra looks like and may even sound like.  But a conductor knows how to make those instruments come alive with the players that will play those instruments.  And that music gives meaning and message to the mind heart and soul of man.  

  20. There is a difference in 'knowing the bible' and 'reading the bible with understanding' which most people seem incapable of doing, including atheists. I see post after post every day saying something they think is biblical that is taken way out of context. Good example being the word 'h**l', how many times do you see somebody say about 'burning in h**l'? Well, if you took the time to take a strongs concordance (a book which takes words back to their ORIGINAL LANGUAGE, and translates them for us, the word 'h**l' translates to GRAVE, not some burning h**l hole. However, there is a lake of fire and perdition (death), not an eternal burning h**l like I see hundreds preaching on here all the time. That is only one example, they have so much of it twisted that it aint funny. Don't take my word for it, the Strong's Concordance is free online, look up the word for yourself and see what it says :)

  21. Christians

    LOL,mockings,reporting prayer and bible questions,etc.shows the great knowledge atheists have of the bible.


    christians need read and study the bible everyday (pray also).They should have more bible knowledge then unbelievers.Only the Holy Spirit can give wisdom from the scriptures.

  22. Atheists, they work to try to prove christians wrong... well not wrong but when they mess up and athiests have some awesome comeback that shuts up the christians and makes them grab there bible... that kind of wrong besides Athiests have there sundays off :P

  23. People who are filled with the Holy Ghost, since it was the Holy Ghost who inspired people to write the Bible.

  24. I would say neither. It all depends on interpretation.

  25. Knowing it would have to be a believer !

    It's just words to someone reading it.

  26. According to King Crusader, atheists read it more.

  27. CHristians have Real understanding...Knowing the words isnt enough..

  28. I've been hanging out in the R & S section for a quite some time and I have to say, the Athiests know much more about the bible than most of those who claim to believe in it.

  29. I am sure there is some Christian out there somewhere that know the bible pretty well.  I know there are Atheists who do.  While I am not a biblical scholar, I have studied it, and probably know more about it than a lot of people.  I know there are people out there who know more about it than I do!

  30. I have known Christians who are lazy in their faith and do not read the Bible. I have known atheists who knew it cover to cover. But a diligent, mature Christian who studies God's word will have the best understanding of it, because he will be guided by the Holy Spirit.

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