
Who Shall We Trust to be our next Commander-in-Chief?

by Guest66568  |  earlier

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Do we want a president our Enemies will Fear?

or do we want a president that with eloquence of speech pander to America's Critics abroad?




  1. do we want a closet Muslim president with family over there in Iraq where our war is..................... MOST DO

    shows how uneducated most of America is =D

  2. McCain.

  3. Our enemies WILL fear McCain; they will show NO fear toward Obama!

    McCain/Palin '08 - ALL THE WAY!!

  4. We want a wise president that will fight wars when necessary, use diplomatic channels until they are exhausted, lead the nation in a unified fashion and restore America to what it was before McCain/Bush ruined it.

    Obama / McCain 2008

  5. We want (and need) a Commander in-Chief that the enemies of America "still" fear!

    We do not need a rookie who is trying to win a popularity contest and will endanger the whole country and risk our national security and who doesn't even understand that EVIL should be defeated!

    A 20 year upbringing under the ideology of Jeremiah Wright is a very good sign of a morally confused individual!

  6. do we want someone who wants to blow up the word or should he choose someone who is not insane

    McCain is insane

  7. lol interesting answers most saying mccain and well few saying obama

    ppl have we not learned ANYTHING from our short 200 yrs history that we KEEP making the same mistakes

    we reelect republicans and we reelect democrats

    if you want REAL change i say vote for someone else

    IMHO i think we should be electing GENERALS that KNOW how to handle tought choices

    but whatev lets keep electing the hyprocrites ,liars , thieves, and murderes to ruin this great idea that was AMERICA

  8. I would state it differently (maybe that's just my bias).  Do we want a president our enemies will fear, or a president that our enemies AND our allies AND half of our own citizens will fear?   I understand we have enemies.  We have had them since time began.  The last thing I want is a reckless maverick fighter pilot in the White House thinking every morning he gets up is Sept. 12th and time to kick somebody's ***.

  9. As Patrick Henry once said,"Give me Liberty or give me Death! With John McCain we shall keep our Liberty,and we shall keep the fear in our Muslim Enemies who brought down the twin towers and killed innocent men,women and children and the pentagon and another jet that crashed with Hero's aboard who died so others might live! They chose Death to keep Liberty alive! I salute all those great Americans and I salute the next President of the United States,The Honorable John McCain!

  10. My answer now is John McCain, This has changed from not Obama.

  11. We want a president who can help us regain our place in the world, who will unite our country and who will keep our country safe.  

    We will always have enemies, what's more important is that Americans don't live in fear of them.

  12. The only man qualified for the job, John S. McCain.

  13. I get an overwhelming sense of "If you disagree with us, you clearly hate your country"

    These fear tactics dont work for all of us

  14. John McCain and Sarah Palin

    this would be the team to beat..i like both of thes Mavericks

  15. Sorry about my previous answer EZ, I thought you were dissin on my team.

    McCain is a proven patriot period. I can't believe the people would vote for a candidate that just tells them what they want to hear but can't deliver on any of it......A real candidate X as Bill Clinton would say.

  16. Without a doubt, John Sydney McCain!

    God Bless America!

    God Bless Our Troops!

    Vote Smart!

    Consider Your Children and Grand-Children;

    Their Future Is In Our Voting Hands!

    United We Stand, Divided We Fall!

  17. But the Europeans don't love us now and that is what is most important.  

    Europeans first, then America sometime later!


  18. The only one fit to run. John McCain/Sarah Palin ticket.

  19. We want McCain/Palin, that's the only smart choice

  20. McCain and Palin , that is who I am voting for I can not leave the fate of our troops to someone who does not even act like he likes them  

  21. We need Mc Cain for sure!!

  22. I've had enough of 'Fear', the whole war on terror is one big war on 'Fear'.  Fear Fear Fear, even the President used the word tonight within the first paragraph of his speech.  He invoked 9/11 and cautioned that we'll be attacked again.  This makes you afraid, and when you're afraid, you vote Republican.  Well I say the only thing to fear is fear itself.  People act stupid when they're afraid.  They don't think rationally.  

    The truth is, the American people were NOT afraid after 9/11.  We came together with flags in our windows and on our bridges, and we went to work, in New York, and Washington with our heads held high.  Al Qaeda had failed.  It was the Bush Administration that ramped up the rhetoric of fear, and made the case in the confusion that Iraq was about to attack us with nuclear weapons and all this nonsense.  Ever since then our country has been divided.  Some who followed the politics of fear, and the rest of us who were strong enough to know better.

  23. spoken like a true republican..going around bombing the "enemies" without first taking the moment to negotiate terms is idiotic as well as disastrous both for the country's economy as well as their credibility in the rest of the world.  

    please take a moment to actually research the facts before jumping on the wagon!

  24. McCain/Palin 2008

  25. Obama as he will pullout the troops out of Iraq as he promised.  We are not wanted there and we have no business there.  

  26. Our "enemies" feared Reagan and he was the best President I have ever elected. I would want McCain over a Democrat, especially Obama, who even stated in his book that he would side with the Muslims should things get ugly. You know what my answer is. McCain!

  27. The only wise and reasonable choice is McCain. Until a year and a half ago no one in the world had any idea who Obama was. Between the two, McCain has earned the right to be Commander-in-Chief. He has the unique perspective of seeing things through military and civilian eyes. He has earned the respect given to him throughout the world. Obama only looks and sounds good. He is way over his head if he thinks he is ready to be the president of the most powerful country in the world. Being president of the U.S. does not lend itself to on the job training. Does anyone know who said that? Hint: He is now running for vice-president.

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