
Who Should I Vote For...?

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I woke up and decided that I didn't care that 3 of my adult child didn't have health care, even though they are working full time jobs.

That 2 of their jobs being in manufacturing are in peril because of the tax benefits giving by our country to outsource any job worth a d**n.

That while 2 of them are living in the cheapest town in the USA, they still can't afford a mortgage.

That one of them was fired from a family business after three pay periods of being paid late and then being told, they couldn't afford employees anymore.

Pissed off that unemployment benefits may give the one who just bought a trailer that needed work to live in, may get an extra 26 weeks of unemployment.

Who should I vote for?




  1. Clearly you embrace the ideals that make Conservative Republicans happy. Please join me my friend and vote for me: John Dubya McCain and together we can destroy the working class in America.

  2. Bob Barr's economic plan:

    Nader's issues:

    This is your choice. I thought I might put this out there since these are 2 candidate who are also running besides Obama and McCain. If you want to know, I'm writing Ron Paul's name on the ballot, because I think his economic plan is the best. just in case you are curious.

  3. Barack Obama's Economic plan

    John McCain Economic plan

  4. The Republicans will ban flag burning!

  5. It's simple. If you don't vote, then you do not have the right to complain, or we do not have the right to blame you for voting for the wrong person...

  6. You should vote for someone who will build the economy rather than Tax the employers into bankruptcy. Employment is at near record lows even though it has risen a little in the last 6 months. Remember at least 4% of Americans would rather do most anything rather than work! Have your kids tried for job training (The Govt. usually pays for it) so they can get a job other than Manufacturing? Have they considered relocation to an area that has available jobs. I personally relocated many times in my 50 plus work years but was never unemployed because I went where the work was! I waswilling to do what needed to be done until I could do better! I never collected Unemployment! Most people I have known that go on unemployment don't start looking seriously for a job until the unemployment is about to run out, I know a few right now in that situation, they just want a "Vacation" Claim that they earned it! At the same time I know many people with 2 or three jobs. I live in New Jersey and my step son recently relocated from California to here. He has no College education and has mostlywork in the Hotel business. He found three job offers in as many days. Yet others just sit and draw unemployment until it runs out or they find a dream job. Perhaps re locating might be the answer as some states hav unemployment rates as low as 2.6% there are 16 states below 4%. This table should help.

    Sigh-----------I can just see the "thumbs down coming on this one!

    Proud Vet

  7. vote for mickey mouse, overthrow the government!!

  8. You'll be wanting to vote for the candidate that is looking to lower the taxes on companies making it so they want to do business in this country.  Or you could just keep voting for the party that penalizes businesses for doing business in this country.


  9. Originally, government wasn't meant to help people make or get jobs. Government was meant to protect and uphold the laws of the land. Government was meant to provide a well-armed malitia to protect us from foreign powers. Government wasn't meant to be the huge entity that it's become. Government has taken over almost everything that Americans used to take care of themselves. This was always the land of opportunity, where you could start a business, and take care of your family, and eventually branch out and hire employees to get the job done. When government can keep it's paws out of the wallets of businesses, those businesses can and do grow quite well, staying put wherever they put down roots. Our government has made it difficult for businesses to make money here, so that's why they've looked to other "sources". Back in the mid 90's, NAFTA was signed into law, endorsed by President Clinton. A year later, the factory I worked in moved to Mexico, because they could pay their employees 50 cents an hour for my job, which paid me $4.85. Again, it was the majority of our government that voted for this, not just the President, though he did endorse it. If he were the only one wanting this, it would never have happened. That being said, you need to vote for the person who's views (and voting record) closely resembles the things you hold important for you and your family. Do your homework. Look up the candidates' voting record. What did they stand for? Where were their passions focused? What did their hometown think of them? What did their hometown's newspaper write about them? Since the internet has a wealth of information, it should be easy to check out. Don't wait until the day after the election to find out that our new president did something that totally bums you out and makes you sorry you wasted your vote. Now is the time to do some research. I tend to wait until a week before the election before making up my mind. Usually, the closer to the election you get, the more the "skeletons" come falling out of the closet, exposing things that had been hidden until just the right time. I agree with a few others here...government needs to stay out of the way of businesses and let them do what they do best...make money and expand. Every time government gets involved in business, it costs more money. Yeah, I understand where you're coming from on every issue you've listed...and am living it too. I sell Avon...they've outsourced their phone & e-mail services. I live in central Wisconsin...supposedly the cheapest place in the state...with very few job opportunities. I encouraged my kids to move to anywhere else to get a job...they did. And buying a horse is looking pretty good right now. Except I'm afraid the environmentalists would have a cow over how much my horse farted! <*)))><

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