
Who Showed Better Judgement In Choosing Their Vice-Presidential Running Mate: McCain Or Obama?

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Day Of Stunning Palin Disclosures

ST. PAUL, Minn. - In a day of stunning disclosures, John McCain's running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, said Monday her 17-year-old unmarried daughter was five months pregnant, and it was revealed an attorney was hired to defend the governor in a probe into the firing of her public safety commissioner.

The revelations threatened to steal any remaining thunder from Day One of the Republican National Convention, which already was overshadowed by Hurricane Gustav — and brought unwanted attention to the 44-year-old governor, a self-described "hockey mom" with little experience on the national stage.;_ylt=Avnh2ukKDixK2fIvk8QJ34qWwvIE




  1. The L.A. Times just popped a big story the Obama-Biden folks don't want to be reading the night the Delaware senator introduces himself to the nation: a potential conflict of interest involving Biden and one of the nation's biggest asbestos litigation law firms — which also happens to be his top contributor.

    The report seems to provide fuel to Obama supporters enraged Illinois senator picked a running mate with such deep ties to the D.C. cash-politics-lobbying world.

  2. President Obama.

    McCain thinks he fools the people all the time.

  3. Do you really need an answer to this. I think after today even the hard fought republican supporters are having trouble swallowing this.

    They may not like Obama, but how the heck do you vote for a soap opera?

  4. The obvious answer-Obama

    abachedr- You are clearly forgetting Clinton negative approval rating. Many people loved her, but unfortunately many people hated her. There was not a lot of in between. There are a lot of people who actually listen to what Obama talks about, and choosing Clinton would have erased any credibility he has achieved thus far.

    This is not a childhood game of ring around the rosie. Like the Presidential nominee of the USA is supposed to cower at the demands of a specific group of women, or more accurately, succumb to the threats of who he had better choose from the republicans?

  5. SUPER DUPER Obvious Answer here....

    Barack Obama

    NOTE: Watch how many people say that John McCain made a better choice with Sarah Palin. This SHOWS YOU how these McCain Supporters will say ANYTHING to make their candidate look perfect. We ALL KNOW who made the better choice. Nobody wants Sarah Palin to end up as our President, and everybody knows that John McCain could die of old age .... any minute now.

  6. I think Sen Obama made a good choice in choosing Biden.  I think Sen McCain felt he was making a good decision, he could not have known what would happen.  

  7. Obama shows he has the better judgment every day now.

    McCain make a big mistake by letting Rove pick his running mate.  I hear tell it was Lieberman that McCain wanted until Rove step in.

  8. Obama, definitely. Biden (though i didn't necessarily think he is the best choice for dem. vp) has a lot more experience than Palin. In this "hail mary" pick for McCain, he meant to get the support of women, esp. former Hilary Clinton supporters. What he really did was insult a lot of women, namely Hilary supporters, with his pick. For the nomination of Sarah Palin to assuage the disappointment for Clinton supporters, Palin would have to hold the same policies as Clinton did. It is quite clear that her rigidly conservative views are the opposite of Hilary's. And besides, how many people truly want to see someone who kills animals and puts their furs on her walls as America's vp?

  9. Maybe this question should have been phrased who showed any judgement in choosing their VP running mate.  Obama most likely would have taken a big lead in the polls if he had chosen Clinton, while McCain obviously did no research in his ploy to pick up the angered Hillary supporters.  I think they both took a hit by their selections.

  10. biden a good choice

    palin another example of McCain's incessent pandering... and this from the guy who said the religious right had too much power in US politics.

    Flippigus floppigus

  11. Obama. No contest.

  12. Obama.  McCain just blew the election (if he actually had a chance to begin with).

  13. Considering that Obama could not put his ego aside enough to pick Hillary, which would have sealed the election for him, I would say Obama showed lesser judgement.

  14. McCain, she at least brought something to the table, added to his faults, Biden is the opposite of Obama, but not in a positive way, he's old, clouded, with skeletons. I don't understand why.

  15. Obama of Course!

    Obama/Biden 2008!

    Ebony & Ivory Presidency!

  16. Obama

  17. Obama!  Biden was a great choice.

  18. Obama , Mccain does not get it.

  19. unless some really bad news about Biden comes out it is easy to say that Obama made the better choices.

    of course I can see why McCain picked Palin.  She is a woman and even though it wont likely make a lot of clinton supporters vote for him.  he did make news with the pick and stop people talking about Obama for a while

    also the christian right seems to like Palin and McCain wasn't polling so strongly among that group.

  20. If you are serious about who will govern our nation, clearly Senator Obama showed superior wisdom and sound judgement by selecting Senator Biden.

    If you like a good joke and like the Jerry Springer Show, then McCains selection of Sarah Palin is a home run.

  21. Despite my cynicism and lack of patriotism I like to be fair with both candidates: both showed good judgements. But maybe I'll vote for Mr. Obama. I can be quite ironic folks.

  22. Obama, no question.

    Obama made his decision based on policy and what would help his weaknesses.

    McCain made his decision based off of anatomy and if he could "steal" Hillary supporters.

  23. Obama everyone loves Joe

  24. Obama made the better choice than McCain  

  25. I heard from my sister's, half cousin's, uncle's roommate that "The McCane" is the father of Palin's daughter's baby.  That's how she got the bid people!!!  So I would say McCane made the right choice.  I mean did you see that babe!!!! sweat alaskan moose!

  26. We have to see which candidate has the most illigitimate children or grandchildren first.

  27. senator Obama Mccain only met Mrs Palin once before making his choice and I think he made his choice on her looks not on her qualifications and this woman has a lot of baggage

  28. I think McCain picked this woman to appease those of us who wanted Hillary.   Obviously, it wont work.   I am pro choice and will never vote for these clowns even though they promise not to raise taxes (which is also very appealing to me.)   This woman can't even keep her teen under control, how is she gonna lead this country?  



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