
Who Thinks Bela Karolyi Is....?

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just an old perve?




  1. Disgusting. He's rude and insulting.

    As one Y!Answerer said:

    Now let’s look at the history of Bela Karolyi, who has repeatedly come under controversy in his career as a coach in Romania for his score protests and conduct at Olympic games. In America, Kristie Phillips and Erica Stokes (Karolyi’s former athletes) have publicly stated that Karolyi was verbally and psychologically abusive. There were his constant critical remarks about weight that resulted in gymnasts developing eating disorders and low self-esteem.

    In one interview, Dominique Moceanu noted: “If you were injured, Bela didn’t want to see it.” His gymnasts were compelled to continue training and competing even when dealing with serious injuries. Moceanu also stated that gymnasts under Karolyi were limited to consuming as little as nine hundred calories a day during competitions. Karolyi supporters have grudgingly admitted that at times, his gymnasts ate so sparingly that members of the men’s gymnastics team smuggled food to them in their hotel rooms.

    Bela Karolyi has also been harshly criticized for working “babies” to the point of exhaustion, becoming famous by coaching fourteen-year-old Nadia Comaneci in 1976. Back then he argued abolishing the age limit with “Where would this sport be without Nadia?” In his own situation, the medals at the end justified the means. New tactic now. Accuse the Chinese and say that the only way to get rid of “cheating” would be to abolish said age limit. And this is the sort of person we are quoting and rallying behind?

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