
Who Took the june 2008 chemistry regents 2day, What u guys think of it, IT SUKED 4 me,?

by  |  earlier

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Y did they have to make it so hard those *******




  1. haha i used eenie meenie miney mo too! and part C was ridiculous...

  2. yea i agree that thing was really just awful. i went thru 3 diff teachers this year (first month, teacher left on maternity leave, second month, we got some jerk who didn't know about anything but moles [we got him fired] , then we got a good teacher). that wave question, i guessed on it. our teacher didn't teach that to us. then that one where you had to balance the equation. oh my godddd. impossible. i must've spent 15-20 minutes on that one. total panic attack since balancing equations isn't my thing at all. i have no doubt that i didnt get above a 75.       Did anyone take the global history regents today? bc that was pretty bad too...

  3. i used "Eenie Meenie Miny Mo" for more than half the stupid test.

  4. i got a 64 but then my teacher found 1 more point to give me so i passed!!!! but it was still hard as ****

  5. seriously. the first questions were extremly easy but then it got pretty complicated.the wavelegth thing cought me off guard.

  6. I thought it was pretty easy, I got an 89, but out of like 140 people in my school taking the regents 110 people failed

  7. will u go out with me

  8. it was wayyyy tooo harrddd!!!

    the written part especially. too many calculations...

  9. soo freaking impossible. holy c**p. i havent even heard of like half the things on the written part

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