
Who Wants To Answer A Riddle...?

by Guest67074  |  earlier

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First person to get it right gets the 10 points.

Two coins equal 30cents. One of them isn't a nickel. What are they?




  1. a quarter and a nickle

  2. a quarter and a nickel

  3. one of them is not a nickel but the other one is (that's really old....)

  4. a quarter and a nickel thats right everybody already said that so ill take 2 points thank you

  5. One of them is not a nickel because it is a quarter; therefore, the answer is a quarter and a nickel.

  6. A quarter and a nickel (one is not a nickel, but the other is a nickel)

  7. ugh wish i would have got here first lol

  8. A quarter and a nickel since one of them is not a nickel that would be the quarter.

  9. quarter and nickel

  10. a quarter and a nickel.  I've seen this question on a math test before when I was younger.

  11. A quarter and a nickel. :-)

  12. quarter and a nickel

    one of them isnt a nickel, but the other one is

  13. 30 cent piece

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