
Who Was To Blame For Romeo and Juliet's Death?

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Hi, this is Abigail here, I am Kate's daughter.

I need to write an essay for school, on who was to blame for Romeo and Juliet's death.

I need to write an opening paragraph, and then short paragraphs explaining why or why not this character had played a significant role in the lives of Romeo and Juliet.

If you could help me out then that would be great.





  1. EVERYONE is to blame on this mess, OK?

    I will give the opening paragraph for you, but YOU have to examine who all (including R&J) caused this tragedy)

    "It takes a village to raise a child. It also takes a village to kiil one as well."

  2. there are a lot of positions you can take on this

    you can blame both romeo and juliet for being foolish.

    you can blame the families for beginning the feud in the first place ...


  3. Prejudice and selfishness on the part of the lead members of both families (specifically Romeo's parents and Juliet's parents). The two families couldn't put aside their feuds for the sake of their children. Romeo and Juliet are pretty much children, and fall victim to their passions.  

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